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Lander 2 with Raspberry HQ cameras - Construction

The video about Lander 2

Raspberry HQ camera module

Raspberry HQ camera
Figure 1:
The HQ camera module from the Raspberry Foundation, which is designed for high-quality photo shots, has a physical resolution of 4056x3040 corresponding to 12 megapixels. The module is delivered without a lens, an appropriate lens must be screwed to the CS bracket. Two variants are offered:

Raspberry HQ camera with 6mm lens
Figure 2:
The smaller lens has a focal length of 6mm, ...

Raspberry HQ camera with 16mm lens
Figure 3:
.. the larger of 16mm. With the 16mm lens, the adapter ring must be installed, otherwise the distance to the image sensor is not correct and you will only get blurred pictures. The aperture can be reduced by the rear ring from 1.4 (=open), up to 16 (=smallest opening). The focus is adjusted via the front ring and a minimum distance of 20cm to the target object is needed to get non blurred results. If you want to get closer than these 20cm, you can unscrew a ring on the camera adapter to move the lens away from the image sensor.


Lander 2, parts for the mechanics
Figure 4:
The mechanics were created with my 3D printer. The two cameras are arranged one above the other.

Parts list:

Part Pieces Remarks/sources
PLA filament 1 I got the filaments from my sponsor Gearbest.
Raspberry Pi HQ camera module 2 Details on the pages of the Raspberry foundation
Standard Servos 5 Available on or
The cheapest with metal gears from Far, Far away are less reliable than those with plastic gears I am using.
White LEDs 42 Available on or
Transistor BS170 4 Switching LEDs
BS170 on

BS170 on

Step-down converter LM2596 1 5V for Raspberry Pis and servos.
Step-Down converter on

Step-Down converter on


Lander 2, board
Figure 5:
The transistors required to amplify the electrical power of the GPIOs are located on an extra board. A step-down converter reduces the 12V input voltage to 5V for the servos and the Raspberry Pis. A total of 42 LEDs can be switched in four brightness levels.

Lander2 circuit diagram
Figure 6:
Circuit diagram


The 3D files of the mechanics as well as the circuit diagram are included in the download package (14MB)

Try the camera

You can control my cameras through a browser in my RoboSpatiums.

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