HomoFaciens is supported by opensource software:

The mother of all open source software and projects. An operating system for free and open source for all people who want to have a look behind the scene and who like to know wherefore computing power is needed. As an introduction to this subject here is just one link besides countless pages.

Ubuntu Linux is the operating system of my choice. Open source and freely available including all software packages and suites needed. Closed Source "operating systems" are Spyware out of the box and I hardly recommend to replace them with Linux!

My Linux career started many years ago with OpenSuse. The included software packages give you an appropriate tool for every problem.

An open source Office Suite. LibreOffice Draw is the software of my choiche when it comes to vector graphics.

The GNU Image Manipulation Programm is the tool of my choice concerning picture editing. Almost all graphics of HomoFaciens were done with this program. It's available for free for Linux/Unix, Mac and Windows.

Knowledge freely available for everybody. If you would like to get to know more about physics and history of electrical vehicles, you will find plenty of reading material at these pages.

I am doing the sound editing of the videos with the help of this program.
Available for Linux, Windows and Mac.

An extremly multifunctional 3D modelling program. I generated some virtual models of the electric motor with the help of this software.
Available for Linux, Solaris, Irix, Windows and Mac.

The video editor of my choice. Available for Linux (also as live CD) and Mac.

A simple to use video editor. Available for Linux (also as live CD).

Sun Microsystems gives you an architecture neutral and portable programming language called Java for free. There are some Java-applications at HomoFaciens introducing you in technical stuff concerning electrification of cars.
To be able to run the Java-apps of HomoFaciens, you have to download and install Java on your computer (if not already done). Java is available for free at the Java homepage
Projects with know-how:

The Raspberry Foundation handed a real computer to mankind.
Have a look at the website to see what mankind is doing with that calculator.
Go to the Quick Start Guide or the NOOBS setup to see how to get your Raspberry Pi running.

This is another great project that hands knowledge to mankind for free! As all Wiki's it is easy to contribute - simply add or extend chapters by yourself.
"The ChemWiki is a collaborative approach toward chemistry education where an Open Access textbook environment is constantly being written and re-written by students and faculty members resulting in a free Chemistry textbook to supplant conventional paper-based books."

We are taking back the term "Hacking" which has been soured in the public mind. Hacking is an art form that uses something in a way in which it was not originally intended. This highly creative activity can be highly technical, simply clever, or both.

V-USB from Objective Development gives you the possibility to communicate with microcontrollers of the ATMEL company via USB-interface. You can download the accordant firmware and many examples demnonstrate the functionallity of the software.
For example the Rover of HomoFaciens communicates via V-USB with the netbook on it's top.
Y10 Learning Outcomes
is a Wiki that spreads knowledge for free and grows by collaboration. The aim is to give you quick access to subjects about electrical engineering.

How to get Linux on a WM8650 device was figured out by the fellows of the Slatedroid forum.