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<<< Hardware Raspberry         C: Introduction >>>

Software-Setup Raspberry Pi

Operating system

In the examples of this series I am using the full version of RaspiOS (Lite might cause problems). It's highly recommended to use a fresh install of RaspiOS to avoid problems caused by wrong configuration. You can get instructions for an installation on the pages of the Raspberry Foundation as well as in forums on their pages, which is why I am giving just a quick guide using Linux:
  • Download the full version of Raspbian (not Lite).
  • Open a terminal window (Ctrl+Alt+T) and change to the directory with the downloaded file:
    cd /home/[Username]/Downloads
  • Unpack the file with:
    (replace the version number in the command line if a newer version was downloaded)
  • To find out, what's the device name of the SD card of the next step, type:
    All mounted devices will be listed.
  • Insert a micro SD card and type again:
    Now, you should find at least one more list entry (e. g. /dev/sdf1). This is the drive we will install Raspbian on.
  • Unmount that device with:
    umount /dev/sdx1
    Replace sdx1 with the additional device name of the previous step (e. g. sdf1).
    If more than one new entry was displayed in the previous step (e. g. sdf2), this partition must be unmounted, too by typing:
    umount /dev/sdx2
  • Time for the installation command. Note that all data on the SD card will be overwritten!:
    sudo dd if=./201x-xx-xx-raspios-buster-armhf-full.img bs=50M of=/dev/sdx
    Replace sdx with the device name of your SD card without the '1'.
  • As soon as the command wrote all data on the card, the installation is complete and you can insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi.

Mikrocontroller Starterkit
Figure 1:
Raspbian Pixel desktop with terminal window


In the chapters of this series, "C" is the programming language often used to play with the GPIOs, because the Arduino IDE uses an (almost) identical syntax. The library "wiringPi" as well as the compiler "gcc" are needed to create executable binaries. Both packages are included in the full version of RaspiOS.
Since Pi stands for Python Interpreter, this script language will also be used in code examples and the needed interpreter it is also included. in the standard installation of RaspiOS

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