News The Project Technology RoboSpatium Contribute Subject index Download Responses Games Gadgets Contact <<< Hardware Arduino mail2code: Introduction >>> Software setup microcontroller programmingOperating systemI am creating freely accessible materials for science and technology using a freely accessible operating system: Linux.Why not Windows or Mac OS? Well, simply read the licence agreements of those software and all you'll find are limitations and dont's on many pages, while nearly all "allowed to's" are in favour of the "vendor". After that have a look at the licence agreement of Linux and all you can read is things you are allowed to do. With that, there is no arguing in favour of closed source "operating systems". On my main machine I am using Ubuntu 16.04LTS, which is freely available as download on As usual there is: Make a backup of your data before installing an operating system! Arduino IDEI am using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment), which is based on Java and so available for many operating systems. To get the latest version of the IDE on Ubuntu, follow the steps:
Arduino IDE under Ubuntu 16.04LTS <<< Hardware Arduino mail2code: Introduction >>> News The Project Technology RoboSpatium Contribute Subject index Archives Download Responses Games Links Gadgets Contact Imprint |