News The Project Technology RoboSpatium Contribute Subject index Download Responses Games Gadgets Contact <<< Introduction Software Arduino >>> Mikrocontroller HardwareArduino Uno R3A good microcontoller to start with is the Arduino Uno. There are terrabytes of information available and you can get one nearly everywhere on this planet. The advantage of hardware revision R3 is, that the ATmega328P is monted on a socket, so that it can be replaced with ease.Figure 1: Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller: ATmega328P Clock speed: 16MHz Program memory: 32kB SRAM: 2kB EEPROM: 1kB Logic voltage: 5V Input voltage: 7-12V GPIOs: 20 (6 analog out, 6 analog inputs) Current per GPIO: 20mA Datasheet of the ATmega328P including technical specifications and command set. Pin out
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