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<<< RoboSpatium         Manual Rover >>>

Send a rover around a planet

R17 is part of the Hackaday SuperCon from 4th to 6th of November 2022 in Pasadena, California

Presentation of my World Tour Rover prototype R17 at the "Virtually Maker Fair 2020"

The idea...

...dates back to 2016 when I made a first prototype and recorded a video:

The Indiegogo campaign hadn't "ignited", but that didn't mean the project was closed! After several years of pause, in which I discovered 3D printing, among other things, the second approach now is to build a much smaller and technically easier to use rover. In the years in which I have been operating my RoboSpatium, I have been able to gain some experience in terms of Rover mechanics and the software has also undergone significant changes. All of this resulted in the construction of ...


Anet E10 3D Drucker Bauanleitung
Figure 1:
Rover number 17, the design I'm currently testing. The drive consists of two servos for continuous rotation. Such standard servos are comonly available, making repairs fairly easy to do. The central brain is a Raspberry Pi including a camera module. The energy is drawn from a power bank.

Relay race

The World Exploration Tour is meant to become a relay race:
Anyone who has something interesting to show can apply for a robot mission. Once the scout has arrived, the mission can be planned and as soon as everything works as desired, the rover can go online for the duration of the mission. From this point on, you can take control of the rover and explore the unknown terrain from far, far away.
When the mission is over, the rover is put back in it's box and brought to the next mission goal. Either by handing it over personally or by stagecoach.
Details about the exact process ar not yet carved in stone. I will publish everything on this page as soon as the first World Tour Rover is ready for its missions.

4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question: Any questions?
Answer: Please leave a comment!

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