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Seite: technics-machines-cnc-v2_ge.htm
Datum: 2023.09.27 15:18:24 (UTC+1)
Name: Majki

Hallo, Richtig gute arbeit!
Ich habe ein problem bei compilation, commands-CNC.c: In function ‘PrintMenue_01’:
commands-CNC.c:255:53: warning: ‘%s’ directive writing up to 999 bytes into a region of size 271 [-Wformat-overflow=]
Kann man da was machen?

Me: Entweder ignorieren (die Datei wurde troz der Warnmeldung kompilliert) oder die in dieser Zeile angegebene Variable mit einem höheren Wert für den Speicherplatz (die Zahl in den eckigen Klammern[]) versehen.
Das Programm ist eines meiner Frühwerke und Quick & Dirty geschrieben...


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2023.05.28 05:08:11 (UTC+1)
Name: Tom flash

I collect all the part nedded i wanna to cut foam with it

I have 2 motor from old printer "i know you say its has to have at least 60nm but i will use belt instead of scews and for cutting foam i think no much torque will needing "

Can i use one motor for x axis
And i dont wanna the z axis
Any changes in the code if its work without z and the second x?

Me: The only person that can figure out, if your motors can drive your mechanics is: You! Put your machine together and see if the motors have enough torque to drive your setup.
Also: If you try something new, you must live with failures and work around them. That's real tinkering.
You can either modify my Arduino code to totally ignore the second X motor or sinply connect the sensors of X motor 1 to the gpio sensor inputs of motor 2 on the Arduino as well.
With not sending any commands for the Z axis, only X and Y will move. That should work.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2023.05.04 11:54:14 (UTC+1)
Name: Nicolas

You are right but unfortunately its Chinese driver  its has no name
1- may you explain to me whats you mean of two input terminals

2-the bts7960 can control 1 motor is that mean i need 3 of them

Me: So you think I am the one that knows all the data of the unknown cheap Chinese boards with no documentation? No!
The terminals needed to control an H bridge. These are usually two per H bridge. The L293 has 4 of them as it is a double H bridge.
The BTS7960 is also a double H bridge, so you need only two of them for 3 motors. You can replace the L293 with the BTS7960 without modifications.

Before you start asking lots of questions on the software side: You had a look at Version 2.1 of this CNC which makes use of bipolar stepper motors and so works with grbl running on your Arduino?


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2023.05.04 01:25:53 (UTC+1)
Name: Nicolas

Thanks for the previous answer... I have a few questions, please
1.  Is the code modification only if using bts7960?
2.  I have an arduino leonardo, will it work instead of an uno?
3.  I bought an H DC MOTOR DUAL DRIVE MODULE 20A to run a faster motor. Do I need to modify the code if I use it?

Me: The bts7960 works with two input terminals, same as the L298, so no changes to the software needed if you want to use mine as it is.
The Leonardo will work, too.
Is this a guessing game? how should I know which 20A motor driver you bought?!?


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2023.04.23 04:42:54 (UTC+1)
Name: Nicolas

Great machine you made... Thanks

Can I use bts7960 driver instead of l298n to run biger motor with higher current? ... If bts7960 work do i need 4 of them?

Me: You can use any H bridge that works with two inputs, which includes the BTS7960. But keep in mind, that my software is very experimental and this setup won't work with common CNC software (at least not without modifications).


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2022.02.13 20:56:56 (UTC+1)
Name: Osama

Thanks for the previous questions...
Is there way to speed up the process more than 3mm/s

Is it about the motor or optical sensors?

Me: You need faster motors or rods with a higher pitch (non metric rods), but keep in mind that the torque must still be high enough to move the axes.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2022.02.10 19:27:26 (UTC+1)
Name: Osama

Thanks sir its great project to do

.. Is old mouse optical sensor work?...

Is there any possibility to convert this into 3d printer?

Me: Those sensors of old, ball based computer mice might work in principle, but will deliver a high number of pulses per revolution. Your microcontroller must be able to process them all. The threaded rod drive is way too slow to be used as 3D printer.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2021.12.11 16:27:55 (UTC+1)
Name: Michael

Thanks for this great work and explaining... Can i use ir sensor i found in hp printer instead of photo sensor cuz i i can't found any

Me: The paper sensors (those detecting if paper is in) of printers are nothing else but IR sensors. You can use them in the same way as the sensors I am using here.
The sensor wheels of printers (those detecting paper movement) can be used in general, but these give too many pulses per revolution. The Arduino won't be able to read these incomming pulses in an adequate pace.
Details in my chapters on using those printer sensors.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2021.04.14 04:54:05 (UTC+1)
Name: Carlos

Good morning, please, it works for win ?, I suppose it is Ardion code, it can not work with coordinate interpreters under windows, I would add code on Arduino DUE board more memory capacity! then more capacity to process bigger files and convert in 3D printer

Me: The commandline tool I have written, was indeed developed with and for Linux. I don't recommend using the Bloatware and Spyware named "Windows".
...and using a bigger processor and more RAM to achieve a goal is the way of dinosaur Windows thinking. Another reason to leave that behind and enter the Linux and Open Source world, which is for good reasons at the heart of networking and robotics. Time to enter new territories ;-)


Seite: technics-machines-cnc-v2_ge.htm
Datum: 2019.08.12 23:13:14 (UTC+1)
Name: Cebillon

Schaut ja ziemlich archaisch aus :D Aber gut erklärt und es funktioniert. Die Präzision würde doch steigen, wenn man dickere Gewindestangen nehmen würde, oder liege ich daneben?

Me: Ist eines meiner Frühwerke. Das von dir als archaisch bezeichnete Aussehen hat schon den ein oder anderen zum Nachbau bewegt, der sich ansonsten nicht an sowas heran getraut hätte ;-)
Die Gewindestangen aus dem Baumarkt sind niemals kerzengerade, daher müssen diese eine gewisse Flexibilität aufweisen, da die Mechanik ansonsten klemmt. Die 6mm sind ein guter Kompromiss. Eine insgesamt bessere Lösung mit Plastikstreifen als Führungsmutter habe ich ab CNC Version 3.2 verwendet.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: (UTC+1)

problem when starting any work on the machine z Starting from 0
on the material There is no distance of 5 mm to the beginning Please
help me to solve this problem

Me: My software only interprets the Gcode you are sending. There is no automatic saftey distance of 5mm or so. You must set this parameter in the CAM software (what ever it is) you are using.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2018.12.23 15:36:13 (UTC+1)
Name: walid osman

hop to can do lts start :)

Me: Have also a look at my latest machine version CNC v3.2.2 which is more sturdy than this one.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2018.05.15 05:59:02 (UTC+1)
Name: Carlos

hello I look forward to you and very happy
technical question a favor, I want 3d printer, but with cnc you propose CNC project v2.0 http://www.homofaciens.de/technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
How can I make 3d machine with this same project?
I have arduino mega 2560 please help me interested based on CNC v2.0


Me: This CNC is way too slow to become a 3D printer. Another thing is that you would have to do your own coding to make it run as a filament printer. I will build an own 3D printer from scratch when I have finished my CNC v3.2 project that is currently under development. Stay tuned!


Seite: technics-machines-cnc-v2_ge.htm
Datum: 2018.04.27 23:26:48 (UTC+1)
Name: Max

ich habe die Steuerung jetzt aufgebaut. Sobald ich jedoch eine Pfeiltaste drück, drehen sich beide Motoren durchgehend. Habe es bereits versucht mit vertauschen der beiden Kabel. An was könnte es noch liegen? (Habe nur 1 Motor für die X-Achse verwendet)

Viele Grüße

Me: In den FAQ steht auch, wie man die Lichtschranken auf Funktion testet.


Seite: technics-machines-cnc-v2_ge.htm
Datum: 2018.04.18 16:54:54 (UTC+1)
Name: Max

Hallo nochmal :-)
Danke für die super schnelle Antwort!
Mit Linux kenne ich mich leider "noch" nicht aus...
Habe Sie mit Knoppix Erfahrung? Dann würde ich erst damit mal versuchen.

Viele Grüße

Me: Wie Ubuntu basiert auch Knoppix auf Debian. Ich habe es noch nicht ausprobiert, ob meine Software darauf läuft, denke aber dass das klappt. Gib "Bescheid" wenn du's mit Knoppix zum laufen gebracht hast.
Gruß zurück


Seite: technics-machines-cnc-v2_ge.htm
Datum: 2018.04.18 16:04:23 (UTC+1)
Name: Max


tolle Projekte die es bei dir gibt!

Ich wollte fragen ob es auch möglich ist, dass man die CNC mit Windows 10 betreibt?
Ich habe bereits das Downloadpacket geöffnet und bin den Anweisungen auf der Readme Datei gefolgt.
Leider klappt es ab Punkt (4) nicht mehr...
Habe mir MinGW bereits runtergeladen. Benötige ich sonst noch irgendeine Software?

Danke schon mal für die Hilfe!

Viele Grüße aus Bayern :-)

Me: Sorry, aber closed source Windows Spyware pack' ich nicht an ;-) Ich programmiere ausschließlich auf und für Linux. Da z.B. Ubuntu Linux auf so reichlich jedem PC läuft, empfehle ich, diese oder eine andere Distribution deiner Wahl auf deinem Rechner zu installieren (Datensicherung vorher nicht vergessen!). Linux ist das dominierende Betriebssystem im Internet, auf Robotern und IOT Geräten und es ist sehr zu empfehlen, sich darin einzuarbeiten, um die Gegenwart und Zukunft nicht zu verschlafen...

Grüße zurück aus Hesse!


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2018.03.14 18:07:25 (UTC+1)
Name: Oleg

Sorry for unclear question.
I have meant that there are may be different step of screw-thread that lead to different length of lines on X-axis and Y-axis.
Thank You.

Me: That's the setting in line 61 of the commands-CNC.c
double StepsPermm = 1000.0 / 31.25;
Mine moves 31.25mm when making 1000.0 steps. It's for X and Y axis, Z axis is the next line. Currently I haven't implemented different values for the X/Y axes. Simply use same threads and sensor discs for both axes (that works even with different types of motors on X and Y).


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2018.03.14 16:57:35 (UTC+1)
Name: Oleg

Hello. Great work. Thank You.
Is it possible to adjust the distance of carriage move?
Yhank You.

Me: What do you mean with "adjust the distance of carriage move"?


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2018.02.11 05:29:39 (UTC+1)
Name: harshit

sir i have a problem  i download the package and i see there was some coading image  or ino file but i want a software to run the cnc therw were no software link or any software plese help me sir

Me: You need that ino file to run the software on the Arduino. This machine won't work without. Open it with the Arduino IDE and upload the file to the Uno.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2018.02.07 15:25:13 (UTC+1)
Name: harshit

sir what is the name of software can you give me software link to download pleas sir

Me: At the "Software" section on the bottom of this page you can find the link to the download package - please read all before posting a comment.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.11.05 17:00:16 (UTC+1)
Name: JR

Thank you for this project! Will it work the same if I use stepper motors and drive belt for the axis? Will I need to change programming or circuity?

Me: Have a look at my CNC v2.1 that uses the same mechanics, but bipolar stepper motors. Using belts is a bad idea if you want to use this machine as a CNC router!


Seite: technics-machines-cnc-v2_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.10.28 11:54:14 (UTC+1)
Name: Manuel

Hallo Norbert,

Ich bin sehr Interessiert dein mega Spanendes Projekt nachzubauen.
Hätte aber nur einige fragen :

Könntest du mir bitte einen Link geben wo ich genau deine H-Brücken,
Getriebe Motoren , und Gabellichtschranken bestellen kann?

Alles Andere habe ich schon gekauft.

dann eine weitere Frage :

Kann ich auch eine AutoCad ( DWG-Datei ) mit dieser Maschine fräsen lassen ?

Mit freundlichen Grüssen


Me: Wie auf der Seite beschrieben, kann die Maschine momentan nur spezielle SVG Dateien abarbeiten. An einer G-code Implementation arbeite ich noch. CNC v2.1 kann mit grbl bereits G-code bearbeiten.

Den Motor gibt's z.B. hier:
H-Brücken hier:
Gabellichtschranken hier:


Seite: technics-machines-cnc-v2_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.10.27 09:52:45 (UTC+1)
Name: Aleksander

Hallo Norbert
Auch von meiner Seite ein riesiges Kompliment deiner Seite und erst recht deiner Projekten.  Auch in bin ein Verfechte deiner Seiten, auf der komplizierte Sachen einfach erklärt und mit Videos und Bildern das Verständnis hierzu näher gebracht werden. Würde ich den Raspberry oder den Arduino programmieren könnte, würd man mich gar nicht mehr aus meinem Keller bekommen _-). Was meine Frau nicht gut heißen würde _-)
Ich bin gerade dabei und wollte mir einen Drehgeber (Sensorscheib

Me: Danke für die Komplimente und: Kommentare gehen nur bis zu 500 Zeichen ;-)


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.10.26 14:45:17 (UTC+1)
Name: JR

Is there a specific Model of Arduino needed? Will Arduini Mo pro work or Galileo?

Me: The Uno is the only one I have tested the software with, however it should run on other Arduinos as well. Note that e.g. the M0 uses 3.3V logic level, thus you must run the sensors with 3.3V as well.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.10.22 18:14:43 (UTC+1)
Name: Daniel

Will it work the same way on WINDOWS?
If yes what should I do, which software do I need?

Me: It won't. I highly recommend using Linux (not only in robotics) instead of Windows Spyware. You can get Linux for free, for example Ubuntu


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.10.19 20:58:27 (UTC+1)
Name: Jishnu

sir what is the specification on drilling machine used here.

Me: It's a 100W Proxxon. Not the best machine as I have demonstrated in a video.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.09.19 16:53:36 (UTC+1)
Name: Ramesh

Hi sir pls am much interested in the CNC2.0 could u pls tell me the price of it with including transport charges to hyderabad india.

Me: Sorry, my machines are not for sale. They are meant to be copied by yourself.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.09.15 00:20:26 (UTC+1)
Name: Daniel

Hey Norbert!

Du bist mein Held! Hab gerade ein Video von dir gesehen wie du anhand vom optischen abtasten dieser Messstreifen zeigst wie es auch ohne Schrittmotoren gut und besser geht.

Ich hab noch 1,5 Monate bis ich 30 bin, und mir fest vorgenommen bis dahin einen cnc laser cutter für dünnes und leichtes Material zu bauen, und ich denke wenn ich mich ran halte könnte es was mit der neu angemieteten Werkstatt werden :)

Ich freu mich weiteres von dir zu lesen!

lieben Gruß ausm Schwarzwald

Me: 1,5 Monate ist ein knapper Zeitrahmen, also ran an's Werkzeug und gib "Bescheid" wenn deine Maschine läuft.
99% der auf meinen Seiten veröffentlichten Projekte habe ich als Ü20er erdacht - es gibt also durchaus ein Leben nach der "2.x" ;-)


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.08.24 06:58:11 (UTC+1)
Name: Jessi

Is any other way to give inputs(router up,down,selectfile)to CNC via some graphical interface. Not through the terminal window.?

Me: I don't see a need for a graphic input. You can get all controls through keys, which is more comfortable in my mind and needs less ressources. That's why I have no plans to write a graphical interface.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.08.13 13:32:31 (UTC+1)
Name: jessi

thanks, found the file.

compiled and uploaded the Arduino.ino code to the Arduino Uno
Opened the terminal compiled the source and started the programme with: ./commands-CNC

Last error: init_serialport: couldn't set term attributes
waiting for 'x' from arduino (Arduino pluged in?)...

Me: What about reading the FAQ section?


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.08.13 11:23:21 (UTC+1)
Name: jessi

sorry to disturb you, but i found no file with the name arduino.ino

this is what i did.
1.went to the link: http://homofaciens.de/download_en.htm#CNCV2
2. searched for cnc_v2.zip
3. extracted the zip file

the extracted folder contains the folowing
1.pictures (folder)

did i missed anything?

Me: Yes, the folder Arduino that is part of the package. Try downloading again.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.08.09 08:27:24 (UTC+1)
Name: jessi

sir, i downloaded the package, but i found no file with name Arduino.ino

in the readme_en.txt, it was said to compile Arduino.ino
please tell me where to find that Arduino.ino file.

Me: The Arduino.ino is in the subfolder "Arduino" of the package.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.08.04 14:56:31 (UTC+1)
Name: Krishna

Applauses to the project.

I have small doubt, what type o relay is that. How to connect my 220volts Bosch router. if I want to add another relay for coolant dispensing motor(12v,9amps), to cool down my router bit. Where to connect that second relay and transistor?
If I add another transistor and relay pair, do I need to add extra code? If yes, what is that..

Me: Simply connect both gate pins of the two transistors to Arduino A1. Whenever the router is turned on, the coolant is also turned on.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.08.02 07:04:37 (UTC+1)
Name: Geach

I get a message
Last error: init_serialport: Couldn't set term attributes
Waiting for 'X' from Arduino (Arduino pluged in?)...
fotm commands-CNC      CNC V2.0
How to fix please

Me: What about reading the FAQ section of the CNC v2.0 page?


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.21 19:58:57 (UTC+1)
Name: Stan

thanx for reply,
let's assume that i have drawn the *svg file and connected everything properly. now i want to send this file to arduino.
i assume that the program you have written converts the (svg image file) to commands (line, arc.. etc ) as G code (or not)
I am using Windows OS and i don't know how to run *.c in command line as the instructions you have says "open terminal in ubuntu"
if there is any way to run this program from window, can you give details or video on how to operate it

Me: Sorry, but I don't code for closed source Spyware. The program I have written runs in a Linux Terminal. You can get Linux for free (e.g. Ubuntu, make a backup of your data before installing a new OS).
Yes, once you have followed the installation instructions in the readme, you can select a *.svg file and it is transferred into special commands and sent to the Arduino. G-code is currently not supported, but I am working on a new software that will accept G-Code.
Bitte gerne.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.21 17:18:48 (UTC+1)
Name: Stan

thank you for this wonderful project,
I am new to programming and I am good with mechanics, can you tell me how to send commands to arduino? and how to control the steps and speed of motors?
"The software used to control the machine is written in C and it is running from the command line. With the menu you can choose the test pattern and set some variables."
thank you

Me: I can't teach you programing in a comment. The program I have written for this CNC reads coordinates from a file (*.svg) and sends the necessary step commands to the Arduino. Read the source code that is available as download to get the details.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.13 08:15:47 (UTC+1)
Name: krish

can we use this as 3d printer

Me: A horribly slow 3D printer?
Even cheap 3D printers move for 20mm per second and more. This CNC moves 3mm per second.


Seite: technics-machines-cnc-v2_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.06.05 19:40:28 (UTC+1)
Name: Lukas E.

Danke für diese sehr ausführliche Anleitung!
Ich habe eine kleine Frage zu der Schaltung:

Warum wird der Arduino einmal mit der Masse des Netzteils per GND verbunden und die Masse einer H-Brücke mit dem Vin des Arduinos?

Me: Die Masse KEINER H-Brücke wird mit Vin des Arduino verbunden! Die Masseanschlüsse beider H-Brücken, des Arduino und des Netzteiles sind miteinander verbunden, da Masse (GND) die Referenz für alle anderen Spannungen ist.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.05 16:09:47 (UTC+1)
Name: ram

can i use high speed motors of 800rpm or 1000rpm which is of low cost

Me: If they don't draw more than 2A with the L298 brigdes.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.04 12:58:47 (UTC+1)
Name: Naveen

Hai  this is good
But can you program it for windows

Me: Thanks! Why should I do coding for closed source Spyware if I can do the same and even more with Open Source Software? You can get Linux for free (e.g. Ubuntu.com).


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.05.31 07:21:59 (UTC+1)
Name: Christopher

Hi, Nice projects¡¡ some program on windows to control the cnc machine?

Me: I don't support closed source spyware. Linux rules robotics, the Internet and science and you can download and install ist for free (e.g. www.Ubuntu.com).
It's the better choice for your future.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.05.30 06:48:59 (UTC+1)
Name: Meindert

Living upcountry in Thailand I have one problem Are there any 10 mm threated rods online available from about 1300 ?
I have no technical background so the standard places I not know and sitting in a wheelchair shopping is not easy.

Sorry to bother you again


Me: Threaded rods are available in 1000mm length here in Germany. I don't know where to get longer ones. I recommend using 6mm diameter for my design. The overall backlash with a 10mm rod is usually worser.
Another hint:
Small is beautiful (especially if this is your first build)! The accuracy and stiffnes of a CNC is worser the larger the construction. It's also no fast machine, thus driving in a 1300x1300mm area will take a very long time...


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.05.29 07:53:04 (UTC+1)
Name: Meindert

Thank you very much for your answer Will start collecting materials this afternoon and start building a.s.a.p.. Will document the building and upload pictures and video later.


Me: You're welcome. Pictures or a video of your build would be nice.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.05.29 04:26:58 (UTC+1)
Name: Meindert

I like to build this machine with a working space of 1150 x 450 x 120 mm

I have no idea how to calculate the parts and board  for this. Can you please help me ?


Me: There are no changes in electronics or software needed to build this machine with a work area different from mine.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.03.25 18:15:56 (UTC+1)
Name: Norbert

Good morning Mr. Norbert.
Please tell me, is it possible to install single photo sensors? I understand that in this case the direction of motion will not be read. If possible, tell me what to fix in the code for step counting.
Thank you.

Me: It makes absolutely no sense to install single photo sensors. If you think you know better, read and understand the source code and make that changes needed. Sorry, but I don't want to waste my time in doing so ;-)


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.03.07 14:20:51 (UTC+1)
Name: GNUs

Haben Sie schon gesehen das dieser Beitrag auch auf Wikipedia, im Englischem Beitrag zur Arduino Plattform unter dem Punkt "applications" vorletzte Zeile , verlinkt wurde? Das ist doch großartig oder?

Me: Ich fühle mich geschmeichelt - danke für den Hinweis.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.02.09 15:57:31 (UTC+1)
Name: sunnylean

mr norbert, i have verify and compile the arduino.ino file in Arduino.IDE, but it cant upload.it says dev/ttyACM0 permission denied.
In the terminal, the message i get "Last error: init_serialport: Couldn't set term attributes

                                    Waiting for 'X' from Arduino (Arduino pluged in?)..."

Me: You can't expect the terminal program to connect to the Arduino if you have not done the upload of the Arduino sketch. Does the command:
ls /dev
list a device named ttyACM0? I am waiting for your screenshots.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.02.09 15:51:01 (UTC+1)
Name: sunnylean

my linux version: ubuntu 16.04LTS
Arduino.IDE version: Arduino 1.6.6

Me: You still did not answer what you have done to make the "permission denied" message appear in a terminal. Send me screenshots of the steps you have done.


Page: technics-machines-cnc-v2_en.htm
Date: 2017.02.09 15:29:44 (UTC+1)
Name: sunnylean

mr.norbert, my Arduino.ide and the terminal shows that dev/ttyACM0: permission denied (after adding my account to "dialout")
What i have to do? Is it means my arduino UNO board did not connect well?

Me: You still did not tell me what Linux and Arduino IDE version you are using. What have you done that the "permission denied" appeared in a terminal?
Try starting the Arduino IDE with root permission in a terminal:
sudo arduino
