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Page: technics-robots-R18-construction_en.htm
Date: 2023.02.12 00:27:01 (UTC+1)
Name: Joseph McCarron

Hello Norbert,
I just did the software part of this project and what I saw was it took three clicks to capture the current still picture. After googling the problem was solved by adding "config.grab_mode = CAMERA_GRAB_LATEST" between config.pin_d3 and config.pin_d4 in setup(). It somehow fixes that problem. I do not know enough about cameras but it did work. I don't know if you had seen this happen since the esp software has changed since you did this project. Love this simple but useful project

Me: The problem with cheap hardware is the poor documentation. That is also true yor the countless ESP Microcontroller series and the developer boards they are placed on. They all have tiny variations in their design that lead to a different outcome even when running the same software ;-(
If you buy cheap, you allmost always must spend much more time to get a project run. So thank you for sharing what you found to be wrong with your copy of my project, it might help others to save some of that time. That bad documentation is the reason why I don't use the ESP any more. Instead I will make use of the Arduino and Raspberry harware in my future projects.
Glad to know you finally made it work and yes, the simplicity of the hardware was the main idea behind my Rover R18. Have fun with you new companion!


Page: technics-robots-R18-construction_en.htm
Date: 2023.01.10 17:19:03 (UTC+1)
Name: Joseph McCarron

Hello Norbert,

Something I do not understand is the esp32 gets a ip address, but that address is only valid inside the  the network. Will that address work if you are outside your local network.


Me: The fixed IP you can give your ESP32 must of course be inside the valid pool of the network it is connected to. If you put the ESP32 rover into another network, you have to readjust that parameter. But of course, you can reach the microcontroller from outside that local network, as long as your router is configured in an appropriate way. In order to control my R18 rovers, there is no need to reach this ESP directly, the commands are forwarded indirectly, so that only an outgoing connection from the Rover to the Internet server is needed.


Seite: technics-robots-R18-construction_ge.htm
Datum: 2021.04.28 18:37:40 (UTC+1)
Name: PW

Hallo Norbert,

eine kurze Anmerkung zur Verwendung einer Powerbank in Mikrocontroller Projekten:

Powerbank schalten sich sehr oft nach einer bestimmten Zeit automatisch aus, wenn nicht genügend Strom gezogen wird. Das ist eine Sicherheitsfunktion, um das Überladen von Akkus zu verhindern. Abhilfe schafft ein regelmäßiger, kurzer Impuls mit hoher Stromstärke, um das Ausschalten zu verhindern.

Me: Ja, das stimmt. Dass die 1A Powerbank nicht funktioniert hat, lag aber definitiv daran, dass der ESP32 beim Booten einen zu hohen Spitzenstrom gezogen hat. Das war auf keinen Fall ein Timeout, weil der Strom zu niedrig war.
Die 2A Powerbanks, die ich momentan im Einsatz habe, schalten erst ab, wenn die Akkuspannung bei 0% liegt. Timeout ist auch hier kein Problem.