Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2018.10.24 03:41:19 (UTC+1)
Name: Bhaskar
Hello sir,
I'm an educational technology student. Can I use microbit instead of Adruino? If can, can you tell me how to use.
Thanking you.
Me: I don't own a MicroBit, thus I can't answer that. At least you will have to write your own software to make it run.
Seite: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_ge.htm
Datum: 2018.10.10 21:23:56 (UTC+1)
Name: Troll
Lieber Nobbi,
wieso benutzt du keine "proffessionelle" Schraubenschlüssel sondern selbst gebaute?
Me: Wieso nicht? Von den kleinen 5.5er hatte ich außerdem zu dem Zeitpunkt keine in meinem Bastelkeller.
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2018.02.21 15:31:39 (UTC+1)
Name: abdo
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank yoooooooou
Me: You're welcome!
Seite: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.12.28 18:15:23 (UTC+1)
Name: Ralf Gleich
Eine Empfehlung an dich :)
Es wäre von von Vorteil wenn dein gesprochenes Script auch als Textform auf homofaciens.de verfügbar wäre. Denn dann ist es für mich aber auch andere einfacher dich und deine "Forschungsergebnisse" zu zitieren für Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. So muss ich nun immer den YouTube-Link in meiner Seminararbeit hinterlassen. Btw, ich bin schon lange ein Fan von dir und hoffe in einer späteren Doktorarbeit dich wieder zitieren zu können ^^ Liebe Grüße, Ralf Gleich.
Me: Ich habe zu jedem Video auch ein Kapitel mit den entsprechenden Hintergrundinformationen. Das ist jedoch nie eine 1:1 Kopie des Filmscripts, stattdessen werden Teile des Textes wiedergegeben und es wird weitergehender Text eingefügt. Die Filmtexte sind auf YouTube als Untertitel eingepflegt und wenn du bestimmte Texte benötigst, kann ich die dir zur Verfügung stellen.
Kopieren, Verändern und Weiterverwenden all meiner Werke ist gestattet - das Leben ist zu kurz, um sich mit Lizenzen herumzuärgern ;-)
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2017.11.04 16:45:44 (UTC+1)
Name: Muhammad Sameer
Me: Thanks and: tell your friends about my projects!
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2017.10.13 22:22:33 (UTC+1)
Name: umair
how can I record and repeat a servo's motion with arduino uno using a push button?
I need to learn specific arduino code to perform above mention task. please help me
Me: If the servo that you are observing is controlled by the same Arduino, you simply have to record the command sequences.
If that servo to be observed is on another machine and you want to copy the movement to a second servo, you can either record the pulses on the control line of the first servo or mount a potentiometer on the shaft of the first servo and read the voltage through an analog input of the Arduino in intervalls.
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2017.07.28 05:18:06 (UTC+1)
Name: Naveen
How to control dc motor with encoder by means of potentiometer
Me: Have a look at my chapter about Encoder Discs to see how it works in general.
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.21 04:33:22 (UTC+1)
Name: Ram
Can we use dc motor with encoder as servo motor and control it
Me: Yes, if you can write the software. How to build a digital servo is explained in my chapter about encoder discs.
Seite: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_ge.htm
Datum: 2016.08.19 21:55:49 (UTC+1)
Name: Andreas Dechert
Hallo Norbert,
bin voll und ganz fasziniert von deinen Videos.
Ist eine super Hilfe sowie auch Motivation für Groß und Klein.
Danke Danke Danke
Und immer weiter so :)
Lieben Gruß
Me: Bitte gerne und: Ich mach' ja schon weiter - ein besserer Roboterarm ist in der Pipline.
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2016.05.20 20:03:10 (UTC+1)
Name: henki
can you make milling machine using robotic arms ? like cnc you made before ?
Me: Using a robotic arm for milling is the worst thing you can do. The enormuos levers of a robotic arm result in horrible precision. Even with (expensive) high quality parts you will get a CNC that isn't as good as my CNC v2.1 for a fraction of the costs.
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2016.04.03 at 14:34:20 (UTC+1)
Name: sachin bhargava
sir external power suppy to five servo but servo is not working
what is circuit for external power suppy please sent the complete circuit for arduino and five servo which external power supply to xxx@xxx.xx
Me: There is no circuit for the external power supply. I am using the +5V line (red cable) of an old computer power supply. If you want an aswer by mail, sent me a mail, first...
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.22 at 08:44:43 (UTC+1)
Name: Ken
Some components, such as 715-4081, are linked to rs-online in UK.
Some components, such as 530-306, are linked to rs-online in Germany.
Is that intentional? It seems like it might have been inadvertent.
Me: I did not find all articles in both stores (maybe because they are using different article numbers).
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.22 at 08:14:01 (UTC+1)
Name: Ken
"Touchscreen ***für***
Raspberry Pi"
"Touchscreen ***for***
Raspberry Pi"
"Cables, ***waschers***, wooden base plate and so on."
"Cables, ***washers***, wooden base plate and so on."
I have read that you like to do things manually but frankly had you used LibreOffice Writer with an English spell checker or Google Docs in the English language, you would have likely been alerted to these misspellings.
Me: ...sometimes I simply forget to run the spelling check in LibreOffice Writer. Thanks for your remark, I have fixed that.
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.15 at 11:57:04 (UTC+1)
Name: Pk. D
Really cool arm!
I've made a similar(but really weak and much smaller with no practical use using 2 micro-servos, Arduino Uno and a Windows PC with Processing and Firmata firmware) arm, but it's nothing like yours and is built of reused materials from earlier projects.
Your software is a lot better though.
I'll try copying yours, if I can gather enough money, time, material and willpower.
Do you have a link to this Kris Tremmerman's site? You said he has cool robots(from comment from Bajji on this page) and I'd like to see them(though probably not build). Thanks!
Me: The software was written especially for this robot arm using HTML, Perl and C running with Raspbian Linux.
Type "Kris Temmerman" on YouTube and you'll find his channel:
Kris Temmerman on YouTube.
Page: technics-machines-robot-arm-v0-1_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.08 at 11:27:13 (UTC+1)
Name: Bajji
You and Kris Tremmerman are like two poles of this earth !
Me: Didn't know about the projects from Kris before. He builds great robots!