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Dear Spammers and Trolls: All comments are checked by myself before publishing!
The manual inspection is why it takes some time until your text appears in the comment section (as long as it passes my inspection) - be patient...

I don't answer comments by mail!
Note the rules and my mail address in the column contact!




Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2021.08.21 14:03:41 (UTC+1)
Name: Benny Abramovici

Looks Great, I have started collecting parts to make my own.
What's the parts number for the h-bridge you are using?

Me: As written in the schematics, they are type L298N.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2020.11.13 13:47:36 (UTC+1)
Name: nik

how the f does only 2 coils and single circle magnet create such a magnetic arangement that you are able to drive steps

Me: Thats explained in detail in my chapter about Stepper Motors. Figure 4 shows the "can-stack stepper motor".


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2020.10.02 05:02:57 (UTC+1)
Name: juan

A great project! it uses cheap and reusable components plus a RPi and C language, all very suitable for a portable artistic plotter!
Will do it in this quarantine, Vielen Dank!

Me: Hope to see your projext, soon. Bitte gerne!


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2020.03.23 08:49:52 (UTC+1)
Name: Hamza

Sir .please make a tutorial about arduino controlled laser engraver ......we would be very grateful to u.

Me: I have made CNC routers using an Arduino and to turn this into a CNC laser you only have to replace the spindle by a laser head...
I will talk more about Physical Computing to give you base knowledge about how things work in general, but these chapters are not written on an afternoon, so be patient.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2020.03.02 19:04:38 (UTC+1)
Name: Tanvir Hassan

1st of all, Thanks a lot sir. The Cd-rom plotter is working like a charm 🤩

i'm curious about a things-
Can i use this program and same wiring in a big plotter that made with nema stepper motor?

many many thanks again sir😊

Me: Not without modificaions in the source code and your wiring. NEMA steppers are driven by constant current boards with step/direction inputs, not with doubble H bridges and constant voltage.
Good to hear that your plotter works fine.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2020.02.29 05:52:03 (UTC+1)
Name: Tanvir Hassan

Sir i'm using a Raspberry pi 4
using ur python script i changed gpio pins number as by boards output but its not working
Pleas help me😓

Me: Use the pin header numbers (P1-5, P1-7 and so on) listed in the schematics! Do not mess with the GPIO numbers, since they are identic for all Raspberry boards in wiringPi. For Raspberry 4 you must install wiringPi manually, as the latest version is still not part of the official packages:


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2020.01.14 17:03:11 (UTC+1)
Name: Arif

Thanks so much for your software support 😊
But when i run the program the stepper moter only vibrate not moving.
Using 5 volt current and L298N DRIVE.
Only the servo motor working properly.
And stepper moter only vibrate ☹️

Me: Check the wiring. Keep in mind that you have to consider the Pin header numbers! Send me photos of your circuit so that I can see what might be wrong (I am no mentalist).


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2020.01.05 17:11:20 (UTC+1)
Name: Arif

not executing any option on key press just wrote down their key value

Me: It's an issue with Raspbian Buster. I have changed the source code of the plotter-cdrom.c to make it work again. Download the new plotter-cdrom.zip and follow the instructions of the new readme.txt to recompile the code.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2019.10.31 08:14:56 (UTC+1)
Name: Muzammil Ansari


Me: Thanks!


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2019.10.17 18:22:52 (UTC+1)
Name: Mr, wale olatona

Pleas i do not understand how to run the code from command line pleas help

Me: I can't offer any help if you dont tell me EXACTLY what instruction in the readme (including the error message) of the download package you can't follow.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2019.08.30 03:03:57 (UTC+1)
Name: Caleb

Can you give me a list of materials need ASAP? It would be a huge help

Me: All the materials needed are listed on the page, aren't they? If you miss something, you must tell me EXACTLY what, that would be a huge help to me ;-)
AND: ASAP is a phrase you can use when talking to people you pay for doing a job. I hardly recommend avoiding it when talking to people that give you something for free that you are obviously not willing/able to do!


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2019.08.20 13:03:04 (UTC+1)
Name: Graz

Hi Norbert
I'm still here.
I would like to adapt your project to this: (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2401997) because I know better the raspberry than arduino.
Do you think it's possible? obviously using a different power supply

Me: Bipolar stepper motors are usually driven by constant current and not by constant voltage as the special motors I am using in my CDROM Plotter. The accordant driver chips use step and direction commands, so you must at least transform the functions of the stepping commands in my software and of course use different motor drivers (e.g. A4988 chips).


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2019.01.07 18:11:05 (UTC+1)
Name: Andrew

Norbert, I made changes to the values and was able to affect the servo but not to what I needed. I used a different servo from an old RC airplane model, and it is now working perfectly. Thanks again for your help!

Me: Good to know you managed it. Probably the first servo needs 5V pulse level and doesn't work fine with the 3.3V from the Raspberry Pi.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.12.21 20:06:08 (UTC+1)
Name: Andrew

Norbert, I have one last question. It seems the servo, when going down, will swing approximately 190 degrees. Then when it comes up, it only comes up about 180 degrees. I cannot find in the .c file what determines the travel of the servo? I need to make it travel the same amount in both directions, ideally 90 degrees. Can you help with this? Best regards, Andrew

Me: It's in line 28 and 29:
#define SERVOUP           10
#define SERVODOWN         20

10 means a 1.0 ms high signal which is usually 45 degrees, 20 means 2.0ms which is -45 degrees. Play with the values to see if you can make it fit to your requirements.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.12.14 21:15:10 (UTC+1)
Name: Andrew

Norbert, I used the c program for the plotter, printer, miller on https://www.homofaciens.de/download_en.htm#PlotterCDROM. The one from the zip file works perfectly. The crashes are due to me trying to use incompatible file formats. Your instructions for Libreoffice work perfectly. I now have the machine working well, thanks for your support, it has been fun to learn. You are very clever for having developed this!

Me: Thanks for pointing out what went wrong. Thant might help people that stumble over the same error.
There is nothing better than exploring successfully what makes a machine work or not work - congratulation on making your's do what it should do.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.12.02 23:52:34 (UTC+1)
Name: Andrew

Thank you for asking about file versions, that must be the problem.
I am running Raspbian 9, and I was using cdrom-plotter.c version .1. I found version .5 in the zip files with the images. I tried using .5 but it seems the mapping of the GPIO's is different.
In version .1, it was setup as GPIO [6] = 13. In .5, I see "#define X_stepper03 2" for example. Does this mean that stepper03 is mapped to wiringpi 2, which is P1-13?

Thank you for your continued help!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Me: In what zip-file did you find a .5 version of plotter-cdrom.c? Not in the plotter-cdrom.zip of the download page.
The mapping of the GPIOs should not matter with the wiringPi library I am using, so use the pin header numbers of the circuit drawing (P1-..), no matter what Pi revision you have.
Did you reinstall Raspbian on the SD card to get a fresh installation? That might cause your crashes.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.11.30 02:15:52 (UTC+1)
Name: Andrew

Thank you Norbert for all your help! I have successfully been able to move the X and Y axis and pen servo using the menu options in the program. The last problem I am having is uploading a file. When I select the file (files I got from PLOTTER-CDROM.ZIP), the program crashes, and the terminal window closes. All .svg and the .bmp files cause the program to crash. Any final advice you can offer would be appreciated.

I've learned so much so far, thank you!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Me: Did you use a fresh installation of Raspbian (waht version)? What error message appears?


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.11.09 14:47:10 (UTC+1)
Name: Andrew

Norbert, I am starting to wire up my Pi, and I am having some difficulty understanding what is meant by your GPIO connections to the bridges. In your graphic you say "Bridge X Input A GPIO 2 = P1-13". What is meant by the "P1-13"? I understand Bridge X Input A goes to GPIO pin 2, correct? (I have a raspberry Pi 2 B+), It looks like yours is a Pi 1? According to this https://goo.gl/TDe1Jm , GPIO 2 on Pi 1 is Pin 3.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Me: It's the pin header Number. Number P1-1 is the +3.3V Pin, P1-2 the +5V pin and so on. Take this scheme for the wiring, since there are different GPIO numberings for the Raspberry, which might confuse you. The numbering is identical for all Raspberry models, no need for changes.
See all pin numbers at my chapter about the Raspberry Hardware pins


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.10.30 13:43:17 (UTC+1)
Name: ChriSfak

Thanks for your direct answer!

Do you have any documentation for your C code in order to help me or any other to understand the functionality?
Does it implements g-code moves or uses the svg and bmp images from scratch and interpret them to head moves?

Sorry for all these questions, but I really interesting for modifying your project for educational use.

Thanks again!!

Me: The gcode version of my software is still under development. I will publish the source when my CNC v3.2.2 runs fine with it. The software only implements Gcode commands (moves and spindle/coolant). I won't update the CDRom plotter (at least not in the near future). This machine is for playing only, it's not meant to be a tool as my CNC routers are.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.10.29 15:21:54 (UTC+1)
Name: ChriSfak

Nice project!!!
I was wandering if I can use Python with RPi.GPIO library instead of C and wiringpi.h library...

Thanks :-)

Me: Thanks!
If you know how to do coding, you can of course translate the C program into Python code or do it from scratch by writing a totally new code. My program for this plotter is open source, so it's up to you.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.10.29 06:24:39 (UTC+1)
Name: Bhaskar

Hello sir,
   While running the source code it is showing some error "implicit declaration of softPwmCreate" and "implicit declaration of softPwmWrite"
please help me out. Thanking you sir.

Me: There was a change in the wiringPi library. I have added the line:
#include <softPwm.h>
to the source code. Download the package again and it should compile now. Thanks for your feedback


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.10.24 02:57:50 (UTC+1)
Name: Bhaskar

Hi, I am an educational technology student. I would like to create one like this. can I get guidance from you to do this project.

Thank you.

Me: Many people managed to make a copy of this machine with the description written on this page. I am sure you can make it, too. Tell me EXACTLY what's missing if you stumple to make your copy.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.10.15 16:10:03 (UTC+1)
Name: Andrew

Norbert, I have begun collecting parts to try building one of these so I can learn microelectronics. Thanks for the excellent idea and tutorial. Can you recommend a source for the L298N bridges in USA? Also, are those capacitors connected to the L4940V5? I am referring to: https://www.homofaciens.de/bilder/technik/plotter-cdrom_010.htm

Thanks in advance!

Me: L298N bridges are commonly available. Just Google for it and pick the online shop you trust.
As you can see on the drawing you refer to, the capacitors are connected to the pins of the L4940V5 which is a 5V linear voltage regulator. The capacitors smothen the input and output voltage. The regulator is not needed if you use a 5V DC power supply instead of the 6V lead acid battery I was using.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.09.16 15:57:52 (UTC+1)
Name: Hemant

Many thanks today I was able to complete this project. Its really fun to get the results at the end. Initially I was getting mirror image later i switched the y Axis pins and it started working. Let me know if you would like to see images.

Me: Some photos or a video would be nice. I definitely like that kind of feedback.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.09.04 22:06:52 (UTC+1)
Name: Fred

Nice project !! Question: Will it work on a Raspberry P1 3?
Are There differences in GPIO between Raspberry Pi 2 B and 3 B?

Me: Thanks! It should work on all versions of the Raspbreey Pi without changing the GPIOs. WiringPi uses the same numbering scheme on all versions.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.05.10 18:59:50 (UTC+1)
Name: Juan

Hi!, I followed all the steps, but when compiling the program I skipped the following error "usr / bin / ld: can not find -l / usr / local / include collect 2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" . I do not know if it will be but when I do the ./build of the wiringPi at the end  I skip a note saying that to complete programs with wiringPi, you need add: -lwiringPi. If you could help me. Thank you very much, bye

Me: That build instruction for wiringpi installation is no longer needed. It is now part of the offigial packages, so all you need to install is:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wiringpi
I have changed that in the readme.txt


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2018.03.20 08:56:58 (UTC+1)

hiii pls hlp me when i try to complie ur code it gives lots of error so pls give instructions step by step

Me: The step by step instruction is in the readme_en.txt. Error messages are meant to be shared (with the command that triggered them) - otherwise I can't help you, because I am no mentalist.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.11.25 00:05:01 (UTC+1)
Name: Joe

why do you have 5 volts going from the pi to the servo? seems redundant. Please forgive my ignorance.

Me: Servo and Pi are both connected to the 5V linear regulator and so to the battery. There is no extra power supply needed for the Raspberry.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.09.07 00:03:35 (UTC+1)
Name: Muhammad Qaisar Ali

You are amazing

Me: Thanks's and: Tell your friends about my projects.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.17 15:38:42 (UTC+1)
Name: Mohammad

It worked! But why the motors get so hot? I mean there was Glue-Gun on them and they melted. :(

Me: What voltage are they connected to? Usually those motors are made for 5V.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.11 21:50:38 (UTC+1)
Name: Ziya

I did not understand. X axis or Y axis?

Me: If you have a look at the pictures and the video you will notice that the top axis is the Y axis of my plotter. That's where the servo is glued to. you can swap the axes in the software if you need to.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.10 22:18:16 (UTC+1)
Name: Ziya

Which axis will I gum the servo motor? I mean, which axis is the servo motor on?

Me: The z axis?


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.04.29 15:43:31 (UTC+1)
Name: Jeff

Would you explain the software part a little more? I don't know process of setting up the software. Firstly, will I store 'plotter-cdrom.c' into the SD CARD? I wanna take source codes or somethings like this from your site. Thanks for everything!

Me: As written on the page, the source code including a readme.txt is available in the section Download


Seite: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.04.06 13:44:49 (UTC+1)
Name: Falk Michaelis

ich schreibe aktuell ein Buch zum Thema "Raspberry Pi coole Projekte und alle Infos zu den GPIO´s" und dazu wollte ich Sie fragen, ob ich ihr Projekt in dieses Buch implementieren
darf? Im Gegenzug dazu würde ich Sie in der Danksagung erwähnen und Ihnen ein Exemplar des Buches zukommen lassen.
Sie können mich mit dieser Email-Adresse erreichen: mirdochegalwasfüreinemailadresseduimkommentartippst.

Me: Ein Buch schreiben wollen, aber mit dem Lesen scheint's nicht zu klappen ;-)
In der Kommentarspalte steht geschrieben, dass ich keine Kommentare per Mail beantworte. Wer angemailt werden möchte, muss mir zuerst mailen.
Zur deiner Anfrage:
Nimm was immer du gebrauchen kannst. Alle von mir erstellten und auf diesen Seiten veröffentlichten Texte, Videos, Medien sowie Anleitungen dürfen kopiert, abgeändert und weiterverwendet werden (auch das steht irgendwo).


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.04.02 02:35:07 (UTC+1)
Name: Fırat

Hello! How can we understand if our plotter works without software? I mean Do we understand if our plotter is connected true or false without software? Just connecting plotter to power source.

Me: Without software yout computer and so your plotter can't do anything, Sorry, but I don't understand what your problem is...


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.04.01 11:35:27 (UTC+1)
Name: musef

got it working on wiring pi 1 P1-12

Me: Looks like P1-7 is in use by another application. It's always a good idea to start a project with a fresh installation of Raspbian.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.04.01 09:44:29 (UTC+1)
Name: musef

i reconnected the x axis and some how it worked. i checked the p1-7 on the RPI so I'm sure that there is no wiring issues. (connected multimeter to Rpi  pin without any wire) the problem is p1-7 is not actuating at all. whats going on?
thanks for your time

Me: And it's really pin 1-7 you checked? I sometimes mess up the numbers...
Try the following:
In the source code "plotter-cdrom.c" change Line 41 from
#define Y_STEPPER03 7
#define Y_STEPPER03 0
and recompile the code. Now, chek if pin P1-11 has 3.3V when pin 1-7 should have 3.3V. If that is true, change the wire from the L298N from P1-7 to P1-11 and see what happens.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.04.01 07:13:07 (UTC+1)
Name: musef

Hello again,
found the problem for x axis and now it working but the y axis the p1-7 is not giving any output to l298N. As you said for every step one of four gpios must have 3.3v and the others nothing. i tried each step for it and getting the proper output until p1-7 must get an output of 3.3 v's. doesn't have any outputs at all!

Me: Would be nice if you tell me what the issue with the X axis was. Other readers could learn from your error detection, too.
Did you try to read the voltage output with a multimeter at the GPIO of the Raspberry AND at the cable end going into the L298N? It could be an issue with your cabling.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.03.31 20:58:37 (UTC+1)
Name: Musef

Yes i do use PIN numbers

Me: Send me pictures or a video of your circuit and plotter.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.03.29 12:14:32 (UTC+1)
Name: Musef

Hello norbert,
I have a problem,my x step motor goes to one way properly, the other way is 3 an then back to were it was (press cursor 4 times to right, 3 right and 1 to left(the length is 3). The y motor is just vibrating cursor in any way makes it one up and one down.:( what the problem? I have checked my wiring but there is no problem?

Me: Did you use the Pin header numbers P1-xx for wiring? There are two different GPIO numberings and when following the wrong one your plotter won't work, thus the pin header numbers are best.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.03.28 19:45:04 (UTC+1)
Name: musef

don't no if you had the answer or not, i have the answer for vibrating motors on Rpi 3. the problem is they use gpio numbers to connect the boards to Rpi! i've tried it out and get the same result, but after using the pin number they  worked fine! use p1-13 instead of using gpio2!(if you see the new Rpi pinout you will find that some of the GPIO pins on older models had been replaced by non-GPIO pins(like p1-4 is 5v). Hope thats helpful.Thanks for your amazing tutorial!

Me: Thanks for pointing that out. I have added a remark on my pages and the schematics to make that clear.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.03.17 11:09:26 (UTC+1)
Name: eddie

Hello, I've done it, it works beautifully. My mistake was the GPIO layout. After reading comments of other people on your site, I was able to deduce the problem. Thank you, your awesome. Keep up the good work

Me: Well done! If there is a YouTube video about your plotter I can set a link.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.03.17 05:42:54 (UTC+1)
Name: Eddie

Hi Norbert, I wanna copy your project, I've followed you instructions as best as I could. I'm using a raspberry Pi 3 model b+, bought a couple of H bridges and connected them to the corresponding GPIOs, I managed to run the program, but the output of the H bridges wasnt able to provide enough power to the stepper motors. 5v regulator on the H bridges was disabled, I'm using a separate power supply for the stepper motors

Me: Send me pictures of your circuit and plotter to make me see what you have done - I am no mentalist...


Seite: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.02.16 12:28:34 (UTC+1)
Name: Sergej

Hallo, ich mache ein Uni-Projekt und möchte dein CD-Plotter nachbauen. Dazu verwende ich diese H-Brücke https://www.sunfounder.com/motor-drive-l298n.htm. Ich habe alle Komponenten so wie es bei dir im Schaltplan steht miteinander verbunden und an RasPi 3 angeschlossen. Leider funktioniert nur das Servor-Motor und Schrittmotoren nicht. Ich habe die Verbindungen 100mal am CD-ROM getauscht habe, funktioniert leider nicht. Ich bin ratlos. Gelten die GPIO-Positionen auch für RasPi 3, H-Brücke falsch?

Me: Der Link funktioniert nicht. Es wäre auch besser, wenn du nicht auf einen Online-Shop, sondern auf ein oder mehrere Fotos deiner Platine und deines Plotters verlinken würdest (oder noch besser per eMail zusenden). Dann kann ich sehen, was du eventuell falsch machst.


Seite: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.02.04 11:33:54 (UTC+1)
Name: Marco

hallo ich nun wieder :-), so ein motor läuft der andere nicht weil die 2. H-Brücke defekt ist irgendwie liefert die nicht genug strom.. kann das sein??


Me: Wenn du mir kein Foton von deiner Lötarbeit oder Video von deiner MAschine zeigst, kann ich schlecht weiterhelfen - meine Kristallkugel ist defekt!


Seite: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.02.03 20:47:41 (UTC+1)
Name: Marco

Hallo ich mal wieder, irgendwie komme ich nicht weiter bei meinem nachbau ich habe das jetzt exakt so nachgebaut wie beschrieben, allerdings verwende ich den Raspberry Pi 2 B+ und anscheinend sind bei dem die gpio Ports anders definiert. Ein Motor zuckelt nur vor sich hin wenn ein .svg file plotte es hört sich auch so an als würde er unterschiedliche wege fahren der zweite Motor macht weit weniger Geräusche. hier ein Bild von gpio readall https://www.dropbox.com/s/he5xjfc1um6vjg3/Screenshot%202017-02-03%2020.46.00.png?dl=0

Me: Die GPIOs liegen bei allen Raspberry Modellen an den GLEICHEN Pins. Du darft da nichts ändern. Orientiere dich also an den Pin-Header Nummern in meinem Schaltplan (P1-..), dann sollte es klappen.


Seite: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.01.26 23:12:13 (UTC+1)
Name: Marco

Hallo, ich bin gerade dabei mir alle teile für einen nachbau zusammen zu suchen und hab da auch gleich eine frage könnte man anstelle des Servo auch einen dritten Schrittmotor benutzen weil das würde ich dann gleich bei der Konstruktion mit berücksichtigen hab heute 7stk alter Laufwerke bekommen :)

Danke & Grüße

Me: Nur wenn du dich in Sachen C-Programmierung auskennst und die Software anpassen kannst.


Page: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_en.htm
Date: 2017.01.23 16:30:53 (UTC+1)
Name: Heiko


Ich suche mir gerade einen passenden Schrittmotor für das Projekt. Ich weiß leider nicht, auf was ich achten muss beim Kauf (würde mir das Auseinanderbauen des CD-ROMS gerne sparen, weil die Motoren offenbar recht günstig sind).

Was ist z.B. davon zu halten?


Falls der nichts ist: Könnte ich eine Empfehlung für einen geeigneteren bekommen?

Danke & Grüße!

Me: Diese Schrittmotoren sollten funktionieren. Der Vorteil an den CD-Laufwerken ist halt, dass da gleich die Führungen für die Achsen mit dabei sind. So musst du was eigenes konstruieren.
Viel Spaß beim Basteln und gib "Bescheid" wenn dein Plotter läuft. Würde mich interessieren, wie deine Lösung aussieht.


Seite: technics-machines-plotter-cdrom_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.01.18 18:36:46 (UTC+1)
Name: echo1483

Danke für die Hilfe, jetzt plottet er richtig.
Jetzt muss ich nur noch ein wenig feinjustieren damit die Kreise auch perfekt rund werden.
Da Projekt hat mir viel Spaß gemacht. Als nächstes steht eine CNC-Fräse auf den Plan,
aber dafür muss ich noch eine Menge lernen.

Gruß Dietmar (echo1483?

Me: ...und wenn du ein Video höchlädst, würde ich das auf meinen Seiten verlinken. Jeder Nachbau ist immer etwas anders und man kann sich neue Tricks abschauen.
