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Seite: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_ge.htm
Datum: 2021.03.24 10:22:54 (UTC+1)
Name: Martin Schubert

Hallo Nobert,
vielen Dank für deine hilfreichen Tipps.
Wie hast du bei dem Granulatextruder den Bypass, das Mosfet IRLZ34N, angesteuert?
12Volt kommen von dem Ramp, können diese direkt an das Gate gelegt werden, oder braucht es dafür einen Vorwiderstand?
Gruß Martin

Me: Einfach ein Käbelchen vom Gate-Anschluss auf dem Board direkt zum Gate des Bypass-MOSFET sollte reichen. Ich habe noch einen 2kΩ Reihenwiderstand dazwischen geschaltet und einen 100kΩ Pull-Down Widerstand zwischen Gate und Masse verlötet. Source an Masse und die Heizpatrone zwischen +12V vom Netzteil und Drain des MOSFET. Alles Parallel zu dem Transistor auf dem Mainboard, eben.


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2021.01.16 08:46:02 (UTC+1)
Name: Krishnanand

Greetings from India!
How did you manage to stop the transfer of heat from hot end to upper end of tube in which screw is rotating? Is there any heat insulation was used at the junction between hot end and screw containing tube?

Me: As can be seen in figure 9 (click on the image to see the large version) there is a small gap through which you can see the white Teflon tube inside the hotend. That's the insulating part of my extruder.


Seite: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_ge.htm
Datum: 2020.03.24 10:32:25 (UTC+1)
Name: Felix Winter

Selbstverständlich! :)
Ich hatte etwas in der Art im Sinn, um zu sehen was wo steckt
(nur dass 2D natürlich reicht):

Kann sein, dass die Maßstäbe stark abweichen, aber per
Augenmaß ist immer etwas dünn :D

Wenn du mal für ein Projekt eine Zeichnung haben möchtest,
kann ich gerne auch eine machen :)

Me: Schöne Zeichnung, aber wo ist da jetzt der Zusammenhang zur Frage wo welches Teil hinkommt?


Seite: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_ge.htm
Datum: 2020.03.24 01:20:24 (UTC+1)
Name: Felix Winter

Hi, ich wollte höflich fragen, ob du den herunterladbaren Dateien und/oder der Seite eine Schnittzeichnung der letzten Iteration des Granulatextruders beifügen kannst. Ich habe Schwierigkeiten nachzuvollziehen, wie die Teile angeordnet sind. Auf jeden Fall ein tolles Projekt - die Druckergebnisse können sich sehen lassen!

mfG.: Felix

Me: Mir wäre es lieber, du würdest mir genau sagem, bei welchem Teil bzw. welchen Teilen du Probleme hast, die zuzuordnen. Ich bestehe auf präzieseren Fragen, bevor ich einen Nachmittag investiere, um hinterher doch nicht richtige Zeichnung anzufertigen ;-) Sind doch wirklich nicht viele Teile, oder?
Der Extruder ist aber in einem hochgradig experimentellen Stadium. Es kommt häufig zu Verstopfungen im System.


Seite: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_ge.htm
Datum: 2020.01.04 14:45:56 (UTC+1)
Name: Marc Humer

Wie vermeidest du die statische Aufladung des Schredder-Kunststoffes?

lg, Marc

Me: Bislang überhaupt nicht, weil ich damit keine wirklichen Probleme habe.


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2019.11.18 00:11:17 (UTC+1)
Name: e97

impurities is a tricky problem. the best solution ive seen is keep the scrap clean :)
other solutions ive heard about are washing and cleaning but then you might spend more energy on time on that vs fresh pellets :/

recycling with chemicals for material separation only makes sense at large scale

Me: ...or simply print your recycled stuff with a 1.0mm nozzle to get the impurities through. However my goal is to use it with a 0.4mm nozzle as well. That's why I am currently tinkering with a filament extruder. The idea is to implement some sort of filter in the hotend.


Seite: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_ge.htm
Datum: 2019.11.17 23:02:26 (UTC+1)
Name: e97

rotating the heating element vertically (parallel to extrusion flow) will allow for better heating and a larger heatzone. the reverse motion was brilliant!

Me: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, however first of all I am currently fighting clogging caused by impurities.


Seite: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_ge.htm
Datum: (UTC+1)
Name: Alphonso

Design is an elegant and effective one!

How does this fair with HDPE?

What alternatives to a shredder would you say are best?

What about for filament extrusion, any good ideas?

Me: Thanks!
As soon as the extruder works reliable with PLA I'll have test runs with other materials.
I am using a blender for now.
A filament extruder with a couple of ideas is under construction - be patient!


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2019.10.20 00:01:01 (UTC+1)
Name: Nezo

I just discovered your granule extruder and whow ! I'm amazed ! Many thanks for sharing what you've found so far. I really like the idea of directly feed the printer with the granules, that way you theoretically increase the number of recycling cycles. I was wondering about the difficulty of keeping a constan flow, but it seems as you said that dirt is more a problem. Well I wonder if I should just leave my recycled filament extruder project and work on direct granule extrusion !!

Me: I am also working on a filament extruder that can be fed with either new granules or with recycled plastics. It works in principle, but it's in a very early state. A first prototype will hopefully run on the Hack & Make in Nuremberg on November 2+3, 2019.


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2019.10.09 11:41:33 (UTC+1)
Name: Ruscin

Great project!  I learned so much about the discrete parts of the extruder.  I am creating a large format [2m x 2m x 1m] printer for small furniture printing.  Detail is not as important as speed and strength, so I am going to use a larg[er] nozzle.  Have you tried printing with a 1mm or larger nozzle?  What's the largest layer height you've been able to achieve?  Total volume output?  Thanks again, small donation on the way!

Me: First and foremost my aim is to get the extruder print reliably with a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.2mm layer height which is the standard I am using for my prints. The trouble I run into is that reusing PLA from waste prints means dealing with impurities, so clogging is what I am fighting with - a 1mm nozzle could be a solution, however I want to get more details.
Besides the direct granules extruder I am working on a filament extruder to see if impurities are more easy to handle that way.
Since it all is still in an early prototype stage, I can't give you the information you asked for, but I will see where the limits are as soon as it works as it should.
Many thanks for your donation!


Seite: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_ge.htm
Datum: 2019.08.26 10:29:40 (UTC+1)
Name: Maria

Hallo Norbert,
Vielleicht Mal mit einem Schlangenbohrer (auger bit) versuchen.
LG Maria

Me: Danke für's Mitdenken, aaaaber: Diese Schlangenbohrer haben eine wesentlich größere Steigung als die von mir verwendeten Schrauben und wie im Video gesagt, ist eine geringere Steigung besser, da somit die mechanische "Übersetzung" kleiner ausfällt. Nur so kann ich problemlos den drehmomentschwachen Schrittmotor des Zonestar Druckers als Antrieb für meinen Extruder verwenden.


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2019.08.07 22:13:16 (UTC+1)
Name: blom

Do you have any problems with "re-starting"? After cooling down, and heating again do you have clogs? Even if you ony have the screw in the "cold zone", some plastic will stick to the screw right? Have you meassured how many gramms per hour it does? Just try to extrude at maximum speed for 30 seconds and meassure on a micro-scale. Multiply by 120 and you know what it does per hour..

Me: The screw is only in the cold zone, so there is no molten (or partly molten) plastics on it after cooling down. From that part it also works after cooling down and restarting. However, my recycled plastics is never free from contamination and that what causes clogging over time. I am working on that problem, still I have no really good solution to that.
Since it is still in the prove of concept stage of development, the maximum flow rate is not on top of my list of things to work on - be patient.


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2019.07.09 19:20:06 (UTC+1)
Name: Louis

Amazing job man.

It will be awesome watching you on this project.
It could be interesting if you used a vacuum pipe system to pull resin from a larger container to the extruder funnel and checking the weight with some sort of load cell to fully automatize the system. It could lower the mass the extruder has to over come.
How often do you need to fill the funnel by hand?

Me: A flexible tube with a larger diameter on top of the frame will do the job. That's how it is done in industrial printers as well. Gravity is cheaper than a vacuum pump ;-)
With the small print jobs I have done so far, the hopper was more than large enough.


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2019.07.08 18:40:53 (UTC+1)
Name: Jonathan Hicks

Hey there Norbert,

First of all great project! I'm hoping to try it myself soon, but I did have one question about the extrusion multiplier. When you say 7.8 in the instructions do you mean 7.8% or 7.8 times the default multiplier? My slicer measues in percent, so I got a bit confused. Thanks for putting up such an awesome project!


Me: Its 7.8 times the normal feeding, thus 780%. However, considering the rule of thumb construction you will have to do some experimentation to get the best factor for your copy of that extruder.


Seite: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_ge.htm
Datum: 2019.07.03 10:19:48 (UTC+1)
Name: Thomas Martini

Hallo Norbert,

vielen Dank für Deinen unermüdlichen Einsatz.
Ich finde es Toll in naher Zukunft meinen Plastikmüll zu schreddern und einer neuen Verwendung zuzuführen.

Danke mache weiter so.

Me: Bitte gerne und: Weitersagen!


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2019.07.01 20:01:30 (UTC+1)
Name: Seamiki

Hi Mr Norbert,
is there any specific advantage in choosing a screw over an old drill bit (those for metal)?

Me: The pitch of wood drill bits is much larger, thus you have a too high "transmission", meaning you forward a too high volume of granules per revolution. Since the pitch of normal metal drills is very high, you won't be able to press in the granules at all.


Page: technics-machines-3D-printer-Granule-Extruder_en.htm
Date: 2019.06.29 18:36:51 (UTC+1)
Name: Seamiki

I knew it was coming.
Great as always. Simple and genius as always.
Thanks for sharing

Me: If you knew what was coming, why haven't you told me how to do it, that would have shortened my development ;-)
You're welcome!