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Dear Spammers and Trolls: All comments are checked by myself before publishing!
The manual inspection is why it takes some time until your text appears in the comment section (as long as it passes my inspection) - be patient...

I don't answer comments by mail!
Note the rules and my mail address in the column contact!




Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2023.12.19 10:04:00 (UTC+1)
Name: Gareth Monkman

I am Professor (emeritus) at the Applied Science University in Regensburg. I am preparing to publish an undergraduate book on digital electronics and during my time as professor used the example of a relay RS Flipflop (Fig 23) from your website https://homofaciens.de/technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm

I would like to request permission to re-use this image. Your website will of course be cited appropriately.

Me: The content I create is allowed to be reused for any purpose, that of course includes your request for publishing the file(s) in your book. In fact, that is exactly the kind of place I like to see them most.
Thanks for the feedback.


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2022.08.29 06:32:24 (UTC+1)
Name: joel verdugo.

magistralmente explicado todo, felicidadez!
al leer su explicacion acerca de los diferentes tipos de relays( lectura que me tomo aproximadamente dos horas) siento que aprendi mucho, pero realmente mucho.

muchas gracias por su enseƱanza desinterezada, gracias desde culiacan,sinaloa, mexico.

Me: Comments only in English or German, please.


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2022.08.29 06:32:24 (UTC+1)
Name: joel verdugo.

magistralmente explicado todo, felicidadez!
al leer su explicacion acerca de los diferentes tipos de relays( lectura que me tomo aproximadamente dos horas) siento que aprendi mucho, pero realmente mucho.

muchas gracias por su enseƱanza desinterezada, gracias desde culiacan,sinaloa, mexico.

Me: Comments only in English or German, please.


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2018.02.17 01:29:14 (UTC+1)
Name: Tommy Tyler

Thank you for your very nice site, well written and well illustrated.

I need a small, economical alternate action impulse relay exactly like the ratchet relay shown in your animation.  Do you have any idea where one might purchase this item, or can you tell us the manufacturer?

Me: The relay is a Finder Type 26.01. I found it in a hardware store here in Germany.


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2017.07.12 00:46:41 (UTC+1)
Name: Juwel

Wonderful explanation on relay.

Me: You're welcome and tell your friends about my projects!


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2017.01.01 15:18:11 (UTC+1)
Name: Juha Suomela

Thank you!

This is the best guide to electromechanical components.
Very useful for beginners.

Me: You're welcome!


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2016.12.16 11:21:28 (UTC+1)
Name: rahimkv

thanking you for presenting such useful tutorials, I have a question...that I purchased a  rc controlled car (without servos)27MHz with left right forward reverse controls ..as usual rc cars when I move the joystick's steering control wheels are turning right or left suddenly(because there is no servo)
    how can I connect a servo to this unit?
waiting for your reply


Me: How should I know things about YOUR toy car?!? Sorry, but I don't own a crystal ball...
Read the message boxes that appear on my pages! I don't answer comments by mail.
Read the column Contact for details.


Seite: technics-base-circuits-relay_ge.htm
Datum: (UTC+1)
Name: Michael

ich habe eine Alarmanlage die über 220v Wechselstrom "an bzw. aus" geschaltet wird. Wenn ich das "an bzw. aus" Stromsignal auch auf den Arduino haben möchte, um mir eine E-Mail senden zu lassen, muss ich einen Pin als Eingang konfigurieren. Was für ein Relais muss ich zwischen 220v und Arduino Pin anschließen, um mit 220v das Relais zu schalten? Was muss ich beim Kauf des Relais, welches wie gesagt mit Wechselstrom geschaltet wird beachten? Ich frag lieber nach, bevor mir die Spüle abraucht! ;-)

Vielen Dank und Grüße

Me: Ich würde vorschlagen, erst einmal die Grundlagen zu lernen, bevor du an 230V rumfummelst. Das Kapitel zum Einstieg nennt sich Physical computing.
...dann sollte dir auch klar werden, dass man mit einem Relais AUSGANGSLEISTUNG verstärkt und keine Signale einliest.


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2016.04.25 at 23:28:07 (UTC+1)
Name: Rob B

A truly remarkable website, thanks so much for spending the time and effort to develop this.  I majored in physics years ago, but ended up in a biology.  This is a great website for review and gadget building!
Rob, Houston Texas

Me: Life is never streight forward. I wanted to become a chemist but became a physicist and now I am trying to become a teacher with this project...


Seite: technics-base-circuits-relay_ge.htm
Datum: 2016.02.12 um 13:13:24 (UTC+1)
Name: Markus


muss immer eine Freilaufdiode parallel zur Spule angeschlossen werden? Muss man bei der Auswahl der Diode noch etwas beachten? Bei Wechselstrom braucht man keine Diode. Richtig?

Gruß und vielen Dank für die Infos,

Me: Die Freilaufdiode an der Relaisspule ist empfehlenswert und sollte mindestens den Spulenstrom des Relais schalten können. Bei einem Spulenstrom von 100mA muss die Diode also 100mA verkraften können. Außerdem muss die maximale Sperrspannung höher sein als die Schaltspannung der Relais-Spule.
Handelt es sich um ein Wechselspannungsrelais, so würde eine einzelne Freilaufdiode während der negativen Halbwelle einen Kurzschluss verursachen!


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2015.10.28 at 03:37:08 (UTC+1)
Name: Rohan

I am doing a project that involves the latching electromechanical relays as well and I would like to know where you bought the relays. Was it at a store or online? And what was the approximate price?

Me: Sorry for my late reply, but I accidently ignored your comment.
I got the relays from eBay, but I can't say exactly what the price was. The were for sure below 5,-Euros each.


Page: technics-base-circuits-relay_en.htm
Date: 2015.03.18 at 18:56:30 (UTC+1)
Name: Glen


I need a relay that can do what is illustrated in this link.  It's for a valve on an automotive heater application, so it would be 12v.  Any thoughts on where I can get it?

Me: This is a relay with two changeover switches (DPDT). Instead you can also use two relays, each with a single changeover contact (thus two "normal" automotive relays) with the two coils switched in parallel.


Date: 2015.01.18 at 14:59:04 (UTC+1)
Name: Chrstingles

Thank you for this.  I have been trying to design a T flip-flop using relays, without success, so this has cut that process short.  My aim however was to use a single relay.  I doubt if that is possible, but will keep trying. It is very clever- using the two relay coils in series.  This allows the push-button dwell-time to be immaterial, which was also an aim.

Me: Yes, that relay T flip-flop works really fine. The citrcuit layout was taken from an old book about electronics (I don't remember which). With only one relay you will need a mechanical solution (latching relay) or you need semiconductors around it (an electronic T flip-flop with one output driving the relay).