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Seite: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_ge.htm
Datum: 2022.11.14 18:18:38 (UTC+1)
Name: Lukas Archer

To my previous question:
With different kinds of current i meant the different forms of waves. So if it is in form of a sin or triangle or sawtooth.

Me: I still don't get the point. What information EXACTLY do you miss in my explanations?


Seite: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_ge.htm
Datum: 2022.11.14 14:22:13 (UTC+1)
Name: Lukas Archer

I have a question concerning the different kinds of currents. Could you elaborate on what components are responsible for which part of the Currents. For example: Schmitt trigger + Integrator = Sin Current

Thank you in advance.

Me: What do you mean by "different kinds of current"? In electric circuits like these, it is all about electric current, isn't it?


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2020.03.07 19:37:10 (UTC+1)
Name: Astro

Can I use 0.1uF and 0.01uF in place of 1uF and 0.33uF?, Can I get decent results using this??

Me: At what circuit? The figures are numbered for good reasons. As explained on the page, you will change the frequency when changing the values of the capacitors and resistors. If it works depends on the properties of the op-amp you are using, so have a look at the datasheet.


Seite: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_ge.htm
Datum: 2019.01.13 10:02:29 (UTC+1)
Name: Tobias

Ich hoffe ich habe die Antwortfunktion nicht übersehen. Ich meine die Kondensatoren C1 und C2 in Abbildung 20.

Me: Antwort-Funktion gibt's bei meinem einfachen Kommentar-System nicht.
Ja, wenn die Kapazität dieser Kondensatoren erhöht wird, sinkt die Grundfrequenz, wird die Kapazität verringert, steigt die Frequenz entsprechend. Das funktioniert aber nur begrenzt, da die Operationsverstärker nur mit einer endlichen Geschwindigkeit schalten können.


Seite: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_ge.htm
Datum: 2019.01.12 17:38:22 (UTC+1)
Name: Tobias

Wenn man die Kapazität der Kondensatoren verringert wird dann auch die minimale Frequenz kleiner?

Me: Welche Kondensatoren in welcher Schaltung GENAU? Es gibt schon einen Grund, warum ich die Abbildungen nummeriere und die Kondensatoren ebenfalls mit Bezeichnungen versehe. Im Gedankenlesen bin ich nämlich nicht so gut ;-)


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2016.12.21 02:34:46 (UTC+1)
Name: David

Hello Homofaciens!

I share the same problem as many, many of the not so common IC's are really hard to find here. I notice you recommend quality IC's. I would like to know what do you mean by "quality"? hoe can one newcomer hobbyist tell the difference between an average and a quality component? Thanks in advance. Greetings from Venezuela.

Me: The function generator shown here is anything else but perfect. It is meant to learn how things work. The MC34074P has a slew rate of 13V/μs and so a bandwidth of 4.5MHz. If you find op-amps with similar characteristics it should work.


Seite: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_ge.htm
Datum: 2016.09.25 12:51:42 (UTC+1)
Name: Franz Otto

Ich möchte mich bei ihnen einfach nur einmal bedanken. Ihre Seite hat mich sehr viel weiter gebracht, bei der Arbeit zu meiner Seminararbeit. Ihnen gebührt ein fettes Lob!

Me: Bitte gerne und: Weitersagen! Dann können auch deine Mitstudenten davon profitieren.


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2016.04.04 at 14:54:35 (UTC+1)
Name: joey

can you suggest me other opamp ic which give me more than 2khz frequency??
please give me more than 2 options.
thank you sir

Me: Sorry but the only op-amp I have tested that circuit with is the MC34074P and 2kHz is hard to get with those simple layout.


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2016.04.04 at 10:35:06 (UTC+1)
Name: himanshu

if i use 741 instead of mc34074p what is frequency range i get??
what i need to change??

Me: There is nothinmg to change.
Frequency rate? Don't know, but below 1kHz I guess.


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2016.04.03 at 01:32:26 (UTC+1)
Name: himanshu

the ic that you mention mc34074p is hard to find in place. So can i use other opamp ic like 741.
By using 741 function generator will still work or not??

Me: You can try a 741, but the resulting output signal might be worser at high frequencies. Solder it on a socket, so that you can replace the op-amp quickly and try different types.


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2016.04.03 at 01:12:10 (UTC+1)
Name: anuj

sir, your circuit simulation not work in orcad....what goes wrong with my simulation??
please help me out....

Me: I don't use simulation software and I can't say what you are doing wrong - I'm no mentalist...


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2016.02.21 at 22:09:43 (UTC+1)
Name: Satilar

Hello, I've noticed that the header of this page (http://www.homofaciens.de/technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm) is 'Funktion generator', while it should be 'Function generator'.

And also I would like to thank you for all the work you've done.

Me: I have changed that - thanks for the feedback!


Seite: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_ge.htm
Datum: 2015.10.12 um 19:18:29 (UTC+1)
Name: Reiner

Guten Tag,

für klassische Funktionsgeneratoren würde ich den xr2206 empfehlen wenn man nicht explizit etwas wie z. b. lernen, vorführen, etc verfolgt. Aufbau ist bis auf ein paar externe Teile recht einfach anstelle des "Kupferdrahtpullovers".
Hat obendrein Sinus, Rechteck und Dreieck in einem weitaus größeren Spektrum.

Ansonsten eine recht schöne und lehr- nicht leerreiche Seite.

Me: Danke für den Tip mit dem xr2206 Chip. Den werde ich bei Gelegenheit mal ausprobieren.
"Kupferdrahtpullover" - ich grinse gerade von Ohr zu Ohr...


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2015.07.16 at 16:22:13 (UTC+1)
Name: José Fonseca

Dear sir,
I'm a fan reader of your page "www.homofaciens.de". I'm not a technician then I try to learn as much as possible.
I can not find the chip MC34074P in the portuguese market. Can it be replaced by a more commun chip?
Thanks in advance and,... BRAVO!

Me: There is a fan of my project in Portugal? Great!
Look for op-amps that are at least better in speed than the LM324N. There is no need for expensive very high speed types in the range of several MHz - something between those extreme values.
The MC34074P is the only "quality" op-amp I have tested the circuit with.
Don't expect more from the functional generator than being good enough for some playing around and learn how things work.


Seite: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_ge.htm
Datum: 2015.07.12 um 10:27:40 (UTC+1)
Name: Berutu

das heiss wir muessen die anderen Parameter angepasst werden . . Vielen Dank unendlich

Me: Ja, so ist es.


Seite: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_ge.htm
Datum: 2015.07.10 um 21:19:31 (UTC+1)
Name: Berutu

Warum bleibt der Ausgang des Sinussignals nicht konstant . . Konnten Sie mir erklaeren?

Me: Wird z.B. das Potentiometer am Schmitt-Triggers verstellt, um die Schwellspannungen enger beieinander zu bringen, so werden diese Schaltschwellen von dem Dreiecksignal früher erreicht. Folglich steigt die Frequenz des Signals an, was nicht erwünscht ist. Neben der Amplitude muss die Frequenz nachjustiert werden. Dieser Funktionsgenerator ist halt seeehr einfach.


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2015.01.19 at 22:36:56 (UTC+1)
Name: Yoram Stein

Very nice and clear explanation. Very GRUNDLICHES work !

Me: Danke a lot !


Page: technics-base-circuits-function-generator_en.htm
Date: 2014.12.15 at 22:08:27 (UTC+1)
Name: cihat

Sir, why did u use LM324, and can explain all circuit connections please?

Me: The LM324 is cheap and I had multiple of that ICs in stock. It's not the best op-amp available, but the pin layout is compatible to many other types. All connections are obvious when having a look at the wiring schemes or is there something missing?