Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2018.07.10 12:53:04 (UTC+1)
Name: wang xi
I want to find you (Präzision des Linearsensors aus einem Drucker),but I can't find this tutorial.If you can help me find it, I'm very grateful.I want to use the old printer very much.If you find it, please reply to the mailbox xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .Thanks again
Me: It's not a whole tutorial, but a video that is part of the experiments I did for my CNC v3.x series:
You can learn more about the working principles of encoders in my chapters about rotary encoders and optical sensors:
I never reply to a comment with a mail.
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2017.11.08 18:02:59 (UTC+1)
Name: Brian Boni
I really enjoyed your rotary encoder series. Now that you have 3D printers would it be possible to revisit this topic with 3D printed encoders and IR fork mounts? There are many encoders on Thingiverse but no sender/receiver mounts for quadrature outputs. Thank you for your good work!
Me: Thanks! The idea behind 3D printing is that you can design what ever you are missing and print it afterwards. Learn 3D desing to get all out of your printer.
Sooner or later I will 3D print quadrature encoders, but I can't say when...
Seite: subjectindex_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.04.23 09:34:05 (UTC+1)
Name: Sanfour
Ich möchte nur bedanken für Ihre mühe, finde ich super mit dem Stichwortverzeichnis echt Praktisch!
Me: Bitte gerne. Dieses Verzeichnis müsste ich nur mal wieder grundlegend überarbeiten, um die Suche etwas einfacher zu gestalten....
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2017.04.14 03:58:04 (UTC+1)
Name: Michael
Is there such thing as an AC stepper motor
Me: Not really. In principle, reluctance stepper motors also work with AC voltage, but it wouldn't be a good solution.
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2016.09.28 12:02:52 (UTC+1)
Name: Kees Bot
A number of links in "subjectindex_en.htm" are not working anymore! When clicking on for example "Molecular formula", you will be directed to the "subjectindex_en.htm" back again.
I'll hope you will find time to sort this out:-)
Keep on going, you're doing great!
Kees Bot (Netherlands, IT-teacher)
Me: You're right! It's the second time I have changed the naming of files when I did the redesign by what the "very old" files are affected. I will keep that in mind and fix it sometime (not enough time yet).
At least the "Molecular formular" is fixed (it's now technics-electrochemistry-chemical-equation_en.htm).
Thanks for your feedback!
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.13 at 07:08:13 (UTC+1)
Although I am new to 3D Printing I do have minimal amount of CNC machining experience.Most of my machining experiance has been with manual machines.I want to gain knowledge and experience of CNC technology by building the ONEUP3D printerIchoose this kit due to its simplicity and ability to expose me to programing CNC machinery.I want to convert my lathe and milling machine to CNC as well Ardunio looks to be the best choice for me at this current time. Any insights and/or advice will be welcomed.
Me: You can either follow the instructions to build one of my CNC machines (using my electronics and software with your mechanics), or do something new. If you decide to do something different, you must find a way to get the software work. There will be new chapters on my page about how to do "Physical Computing", thus how to build peripherals and how to do the coding around it in the not so far future. Maybe that will help you. I don't have time to care about projects other than mine, so those new chapters will become the advice I can offer.
Hope to see your machine, soon.
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.09 at 06:13:14 (UTC+1)
Name: Greg
Hello, thanks for your videos!
I just watched the video about your vertical plotter, but I can't find a page on your site for it? Does one exist?
Me: What about using my subjectindex?
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2016.02.20 at 13:29:53 (UTC+1)
Name: abd aljabbar
thank you for explanations and unselfish method .
Me: You're welcome!
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2016.02.10 at 21:06:31 (UTC+1)
Name: EchoLink
Hello, I sent you a message on youtube. This message doesn't need to be put in the public comments section. I am probably going to stick with steppers for now til I need a bigger/heavier project.
I do have something I would be interested in you sharing your genius on. THC (Torch Height Control) for a CNC plasma cutter. They are very expensive. Someone has made an Arduino based THC. But it doesn't work with cheap machines. It needs automated inputs.
Me: I am only rarely logged in to Youtube, thus sending me a mail or leaving a comment is the quicker way to get in contacnt with me. If you don't want this message to appear in the comment section why don't you simply send me a mail?!?
Plasma cutting is something I will cover in the future, but currently there are many other projects to finish before starting something new.
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2015.12.08 at 23:16:20 (UTC+1)
Name: Paul ryan
What is the softwear you used to in the electrail drawings ?
Paul Ryan
Me: What drawings are you talking of?
Page: subjectindex_en.htm
Date: 2014.12.17 at 19:52:09 (UTC+1)
Name: Robert Read
I have been viewing you videos and rading your articles and find them amazing. Have you thought on doing something with the ESP8266? It's more on how to use the GPIO pins that I'm interested in. I'm sure others who are following you would be interested in it as well.
Me: Thanks! I never had a ESP8266 module in my hand but it seems to be an interesting solution for WLAN applications. It's really small with a low power consumption. In the near future I will concentrate on overhauling the semiconductor video series and expand the RoboSpatium rather than doing more hardware reviews. But I never say never (since it could be a useful tool for my robot room)...
Seite: subjectindex_ge.htm
Datum: 2014.10.18 um 21:31:19 (UTC+1)
Name: Geiseli
Kannst du mal einen Artikel über Generatoren machen???
Me: Video und Kapitel zu Generatoren steht recht hoch auf meiner Liste zukünftiger Projekte. Ich kann aber dennoch nicht versprechen, dass das dieses Jahr noch was wird - es gibt halt viel zu tun...