Page: robospatium-videos-01_en.htm
Date: 2016.07.25 20:13:01 (UTC+1)
Name: emin from london or shalley
if you dont have access to my hard disc, then i have made 2 links for you to take a look
Me: I see, you want a suspension instead of the fixed wheels. I'll keep that in mind. Cameras on the bumpers will get damaged. That might be a place for distance sensors.
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
Page: robospatium-videos-01_en.htm
Date: 2016.07.25 19:25:44 (UTC+1)
Name: emin from london or shalley
updated to look like this file:///C:/Users/karen/Pictures/R6-paint.jpg
Me: Sorry, but I don't have access to your hard disc...
Send suggests for your design to R6-design@RoboSpatium.de.
Page: robospatium-videos-01_en.htm
Date: 2016.07.25 18:19:49 (UTC+1)
Name: emin from london or shalley
i Want to control the r5 rover please!!
Me: Follow the world tour robot on Twitter: @R6Scout
I send a tweet whenever R5 is running.
The next run will be on Sunday 31st 2016 at 10:00CEST (UTC +2) and a second rund afer recharging the batteries at 19:00CEST.