Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2022.12.17 03:59:21 (UTC+1)
Name: Joseph McCarron
Hello Norbert,
I am planning on building a robot based on R18. I am pretty good with programming in c and python but not that experienced with the web languages i.e. html, java script and CSS. My question is did you have to learn to program in html, jscript and CSS or is there some other tool you use to do your website and the
R18 web interface.
Thank you. Love all your videos. Hope all is going
Joe McCarron
Me: Thanks!
If you can handle one programming language, it isn't that big deal to learn new ones.
Yes, my robots are based on a web interface. If you'd like to learn the basics of how to set it all up, have a look at my series on Physical computing that demonstrate how to set up a web server and what basic Python programs can handle remote control via a browser interface.
Would be great to control your robot one day!
Seite: download_ge.htm
Datum: 2021.09.05 06:21:56 (UTC+1)
Name: Bernd Becker
Hallo und Kompliment für die ausgezeichnete Arbeit. Habe nun die 3018pro zusammengebaut und frage mich, wie ich sie mit meinem MacBook pro ansteuern kann. Es soll wohl mit Paralleles und Estelcam funktionieren, kostet aber so um die € 80,00. Haben Sie eine andere Idee? Linux würde da auch gehen.
Ich freue mich auf eine Antwort.
MFG Bernd Becker
Me: Für einfache Aufgaben gibt's Easel von inventables.com, davon gibt's ne freie Variante, die läuft Betriebssystemunabhängig im Browser und generiert Gcode-Dateien. Die kann man unter einem echten Linux (die verkorkste Spyware-Variante von Apple zähle ich nicht dazu) mit Hilfe eines der vielen erhältlichen Gcode Sender übertragen.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2021.08.01 21:23:39 (UTC+1)
Name: AHA
Hello , Great projects for the beginners and profesionnels good sharing with free and generosity, i heat myself because i haven't withdraw or $ account to donate for you , but i hope you to make some links for affiliating products or publicity to regenerate some income or trying with some sponsores to that and help you to financing the implement of your projects, i'm shur that you are from Germany that's " Dotsh Technogerma" and i hope you more success , keep good work please.
Me: Yes, I am living in the center of Germany - some people on YouTube call me the Schwarzenegger of Physics ;-)
Affiliate links generating some income are on the headers of my pages and in a couple of chapters that include parts lists - thanks!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2020.11.22 08:28:09 (UTC+1)
Name: Donato Parlpiano
Hello I'am a esperimentator and have load "wiper_motor_servo-BTS7960.ino" but in compiling generate error but in "wiper_motor_servo.ino" no.
I can not resolve it, can you help me?
Best Regards
Me: Without telling me what error message appears, I can't help you, because I don't own a crystal ball...
Once again: Read the column contact! And read it all...
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2020.03.23 03:58:16 (UTC+1)
Name: Milton Rodriguez
Hello, I am trying to create a servo motor with a wiper motor like you did.
But I need to change the code to receive the PWM signal from another microcontroller, instead of using the potentiometer, I need to receive the PWM signal to send the wiper servo motor to the position I want at an angle like a normal R.C servo motor.
The pulse width is typically 1 to 2 milliseconds long for 90 ° motion, but most servos can do more. The midpoint is usually at 1.5 ms.
the other microcontroller sends me PWM
Me: The tricky thing is to detect the pulses with precise timing. There is a great writeup including code examples at the Arduino page:
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2020.03.06 05:10:04 (UTC+1)
Name: Krishna
Hello sir
I'm btech 1st year student, I want to make a writing machine with NEMA stepper motors. Can you help me in code that I cannot choose which code I have to use for this project and can we use h bridges for this project.
Me: What motor driver you can use depends on what kind of NEMA motor you are using. If it is a 12V type and your supply voltage is 12V you might be able to work with H bridges. However, bipolar stepper motors are usually driven by constant current, not by constant voltage. Using drivers as the A4988 chips is the more common solution. Coding definitely is your job, since I am not the man that does your homework for free ;-)
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2018.10.19 06:57:31 (UTC+1)
Name: Wim Matthijs
Great page, using some of your stuff now in our FABLAB in Hanoi VIETNAM
Me: Fablabs are great places to be! Would be nice to see pictures of "our joint venture projects". Your page is http://fablabhanoi.org, isn't it?
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2018.07.13 09:07:23 (UTC+1)
Name: Martin Ramirez
very useful, thanks for your work
Me: You're welcome!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2018.01.13 10:34:35 (UTC+1)
Name: Yusuf
Oh sorry. I am really sorry. I will make CNC-V-2. I am asking the same question. How should I change the elektronics if I choose 1 motor for X axis? I have 3 motors which are all 4 amperes. Will it work if I simply short the digital pins 10 - 12 and 11 - 13? or should I buy one more and make the exact same copy?
Me: You must change the software code on the Arduino to make it work with only one X motor or you could try to switch the light sensors of one motor in parallel. To do so, link the input pins A2 with A4 and A3 with A5 on the Arduino. Never shorten output pins!!!. However, I haven't tried that and changing the code on the Arduino would be the better solution.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2018.01.12 23:59:50 (UTC+1)
Name: Yusuf
Another question is I have to drill 672 holes to put leds into. How can I make the svg file? Will it work if I only put some dots and convert to svg as you do? Any advice?
Thanks in advanve
btw I am buying components. I hope I will start to make cnc machine next weekend.
Me: Drawing circles and export to svg will work - that's how I am doing it.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2018.01.12 23:46:57 (UTC+1)
Name: Yusuf
Hello again
How should I change the elektronics if I choose 1 motor for X axis? I have 3 motors which are all 4 amperes. Will it work if I simply short the digital pins 10 - 12 and 11 - 13? or should I buy one more and make the exact same copy? all motors are 1300 rpm (I will make simple gears to reduce it around 130 rpm) also I have to make h bridges (IRF540 IRF9540 pair with optoisolators)
Me: Once again: What machine are you talking about? "Hello again" doesn't mean I remember your special problem, nor will I read all comment history to get what it is about. MAKE THINGS SIMPLE FOR ME!
Please read ALL of the column contact to see how to make requests more common for me.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.12.28 13:34:51 (UTC+1)
Name: Yusuf
Why do you need 2 TCST2103 for each axis? You can easily calculate the position by one of this device. You are using a counter for each position of these devices. For example
LH to HH you add 1 to counter
LH to LL you subtract 1 from counter.
Why do you need that. You can use one TCST2103 and you can check to polarity of the motor. For example
L to H +1 if polarity is CW
L to H -1 if polarity is CCW.
Or vice versa. By doing this you can have more accurate steppes.
You need some space for 2 device configuration. By 1 device configuration you can make these gaps much smaller and you can count it anyway. By 2 device configuration each 3 degrees counted for counter. By 1 device config you can count every 1/2 degrees maybe less than that. By this way steppes can be smaller and positioning would be more accurate. You should only follow the rotation of the motor for adding or subtracting for counter. Is there any problem with that?
Me: Read my chapters about rotary encoders.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.12.28 13:27:37 (UTC+1)
Name: Yusuf
2nd z axis can behave as driller. 1st can behave as engraver. 2 different images can be uploaded to machine. Distance between 2 axis can be calculated. While 2nd z axis run this much distance can be added or substracted to original home position. Or 2 different home position can be pointed to machine. First thing first. I have to build that cnc than try the 2nd axis.
Me: Yes, make an exact copy before starting to implement your own stuff.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.12.28 12:54:03 (UTC+1)
Name: Yusuf
Thanks for publishing my previous posts. Raspberry pi will be a good and easy solution for the machine. is there any room for 2nd z axis on top of the y axis? I need to carve and cut some woods with it. both job needs different procedure for it and different feed rates. with the same mechanism both z axis can be driven. by this way job can be done without changing the setup.
Me: Well, can you do the coding for that special add-on? I won't do that for you, bacause I am too short in time.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.12.28 10:23:40 (UTC+1)
Name: Yusuf
You can easily convert these cnc machines to Laser cutter engraver machines. Maybe you will try that soon. Also you can convert these to 3D printers. These are really good projects. I am watching your videos over and over.
Me: The CNCs I have created are too slow to convert them into 3D printers. I will instead ceate a filament printer from scratch. Lasers are dangerous - don't play with those devices if you don't know EXACTLY what you are doing!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.12.28 09:42:15 (UTC+1)
Name: Yusuf
Thanks for these great projects.
I want to try that v2.0 machine but I want it as a standalone machine like headless cnc. Is there any chance that you have tried a 2nd arduino with sd card reader added and attached to your primary arduino? I do not want to put a computer next to cnc and wait till ends the job. I need to mill a pcb and cut some 6 or 8 mm thick woods. (fixed milling shape but high quantity)
Why do you choose *.svg files insted of g-codes?
Thanks in advance
Me: You can use a Raspberry Pi instead of a laptop. I have currently no plans to make it a standalone machine with a card reader.
I choose *.svg because it was easy for me to create and export those files with LibreOffice draw. I am working on implementing G-code.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.09.01 14:28:51 (UTC+1)
Name: mm rajurkar
Me: You're welcome!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.06.15 21:25:46 (UTC+1)
Name: Bert-Åke Eliasson
Hi Norbert!
Thanks for all good examples.
I could have sworn on that I have seen a video where you explained the basic behaviour of a PID regulator..
You used the wiper motor and implemented P, I and D one by one and ended up with a "tight" regulator.
Did I dream about this? I'm not able to find that video:-(
Please let me know where to find it.
Me: It's in my video and chapter about the Arduino Uno.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.04.08 23:50:46 (UTC+1)
Name: Kjell Jaeger
Thanks for a fantastic explorsationary site. You have given me a lot to think about and good ideas to work on. I really appreciate your efforts and skills.
Keep up the good work!!
Kjell Jaeger
Me: Thanks! I am keeping up.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.04.04 23:04:38 (UTC+1)
Name: bruce saint
Hello everyone
Thank you .... I was searching on Google ... for a project that brings me good results and using Arduino ... I was confused and mentally confused and afraid of the failure of the project because of lack of support for me .... until I found it in ..homofaciens.!!!
Thanks again
Me: More Arduino projects will follow, soon.
Seite: download_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.04.04 18:59:06 (UTC+1)
Name: Galm
und erst einmal Danke für die wahnsinnig vielen und sehr guten Erklärungen, Videos und Infos! Die Videos bringen den Sachverhalt auf den Punkt ohne viel Geschwafel und Füllwörter. Ich nehme an, dass hier sehr viel Textvorbereitungen) von statten gehen.
Ich habe spontan über Deinen Link einen 3d Drucker bestellt.
Ich bitte um eine kurze Info, mit welchem Programm ich am Besten die Konstruktionen vornehmen sollte?
Was nimmst Du? Sorry, falls es irgendwo steht. :-)
Danke im voraus,
Me: Danke für die Komplimente und ja, für meine Videos schreibe ich zuerst immer ein Skript.
Zur Software für 3D Drucker habe ich bislang noch nichts geschrieben, das kommt noch...
Ich verwende openSCAD zur 3D Modellierung und Slic3r zum Festlegen der vielen Druckparameter sowie zum Erstellen der G-Code Dateien.
Was für einen selbst das Beste Programm ist, liegt im eigenen Ermessen. In openSCAD werden die Modelle mittels Mathematik dargestellt (parametrisierte Darstellung). Das ist sehr nahe am Programmieren und liegt mir irgendwie im Blut. Modelle mit der Maus zusammenklicken ist nicht mein Ding...
Slic3r bietet wirklich viele Einstellmöglichkeiten und durch die kämpfe ich mich zur Zeit, um das Optimum aus meinem neuen 3D Drucker herauszuholen.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.02.11 08:26:33 (UTC+1)
Name: Mihir Vardhan
i am using your code for cnc v0.6. I have constructed the hardware but i do not know how to cut anything with it. i can not understand the read me file and i dont even have a Linux machine. Is there anyway i can cut something through windows 10?
thanks for your assistance,
Me: I don't support closed source Windows spyware. You can get Linux (e.g. Ubuntu on www.ubuntu.com) for free and install it on your PC (don't forget do make a backup of your data before installing an OS).
Obviously you can read English, thus you should understand the readme in principle. You must tell me EXACTLY what step you don't understand if you expect to get help.
Let's make your machine run.
Seite: download_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.02.01 05:53:59 (UTC+1)
Name: Daniel
danke für deine gut aufbereiteten Informationen. Ich beschäftige mich mit deiner Java-Anwendung magnets-v1_2.zip. Auf deinen Seiten habe ich gelesen/geschlussfolgert, dass es da noch die Versionen 1.0 und 1.1 geben soll / gab. Ich glaube, dass deren geringerer Funktionsumfang beim Verstehen hilft. Könntest du sie evtl. auch zum Download anbieten?
Vielen Dank
Me: Die neuere Version ist lediglich fehlerbereinigt, daher macht es keinen Sinn, die alte Version zu verwenden.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.01.12 00:29:06 (UTC+1)
Name: Luke Miller
Can you give som more detail on the power supply? I am currently building but do not know what to do for all the +5-12V, GND, and the +5V. Can you help?
Me: Join the green and one of the black cables to turn the Power supply on.
Black = Ground
Yellow = +12V
Red = +5V
Orange = +3.3V
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2017.01.03 18:46:09 (UTC+1)
Name: Ryan
I followed a link to find a laser trip wire project and couldn't find a search feature here. Please direct me in the right place. Thank you.
Me: Laser trip wire project?
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.11.27 16:26:57 (UTC+1)
Name: TDH
I've referenced your site, since coming across it on YT, more times than I can count. You've made projects that are easy to duplicate and a pleasure to construct. Whenever I've had friends ask about them, I've given them your URL and told them about your YT channel.
Keep up the great work. I'll be donating as the extra funds become available, as I believe in supporting people that produce great content.
Me: Thanks for sharing my projects!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.11.23 14:20:34 (UTC+1)
Name: tms
i couldn't find your sketch where you interfaced optical sensor of printer and controlled its drive i tried to implement the same with your wiper motor code but arduino can't count the steps properly thus keeps spinning all the time. please let me know where can i find the code with interrupts. Regards
Me: It's in the package named 'rotary-encoder.zip' that is available in the download section. It is the printer-motor code from the chapter aboutrotary encoders.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.11.18 20:40:15 (UTC+1)
Name: Miskam
Cant seem to find software where you turned a dc motor into a servo with PID controller, could you be kind and link that
Me: It's in the chapter about the Arduino Uno. The Download package is named wiper_motor_servo.zip.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.10.16 11:53:51 (UTC+1)
Name: maruthu pandian
hi Norbert,
your video on building a dc servo-motor with a quadrature encoder feed-back is exceptional!
thank you for the source codes. I am new to arduino and I hope build interesting things with it. i am from india. regards, maruthu.
Me: Would be nice to see YouTube videos of your motors, soon.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: (UTC+1)
Name: Danilo
Have you ever thought of writing a driver to run a printhead inkjet (of any kind). I'm being searched on the net but can not find anything accomplished. It would be a great thing to use in many applications.
I hope for your interest. Greetings.
Danilo from Italy.
Me: Having full control over a printhead is indeed very interesting for me, too, but it's currently not on top of my list of things to do next.
Have a look at this page to get what you are looking for.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.09.09 10:01:46 (UTC+1)
Name: Aldo
Hi Norbert!
Just come here to tell you how much addict i have been to your videos and tutorials. I have been in electronics all my life (i am 57 y.o.) but i found up Arduino (Uno),and i have been improving my skills in computer language (was about zero) related to this tiny microcontroller.
Having 1 ton of old and recent canibalized photocopy machines/printers in my backyard,i was in need of learning from someone who can merge both sides of this hobbie.
Thanks for sharing!
Aldo (Portugal)
Me: You are never too old to learn new tricks and printers and photocopy machines are great sources for sensors and motors. I will build more machines using those scrap parts.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.08.12 13:20:58 (UTC+1)
Name: Tunu Y
Hi, since i saw this site, i was hope i can develop something that i have been looking for for a long time,
I'm from Tanzania/Africa here stepper drivers like easy driver for CNC machine or 3D printer are not yet available, and even to order them it takes time, which i don't have. But i have access to arduino, the only choice i having is code the arduino to act as stepper driver which can accept steps, Direction and Enable pin. i dont care if i can use the whole arduino for a single stepper moto
Me: Besides Arduinos you'll need H bridges and DC motors as well as optical sensors form old printers to get stepper motors that can be controlled by Step/Direction pins. That's what I will do with my latest CNC v3.x that is under construction. For the CNC at least 2 Arduinos will be needed to run the machine with grbl to process G-code.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.07.31 18:24:22 (UTC+1)
Name: Mohamed Rzig
Thank you again, its so grate from your side.
I cant stop watching the video.
I download the both CNC project Machine "2.0 and 3.1" . and I will see what I can I do :).
I'm not an expert in arduino, I'm a electrician wire harness developer, I'm so interested of the arduino and android and the home made construction.
Best and kind regards
Me: You're welcome!
You won't become an expert over night, but the Arduino is a good microcontroller to start with. Having knowledge about electricity makes it more simple to do physical computing.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.07.30 09:16:19 (UTC+1)
Name: Mohamed Rzig
Hello, Salem Alaykom, Salut, Ciao.
Thank you so much.
Best and kind regards
Me: You're welcome!
Seite: download_ge.htm
Datum: 2016.06.15 11:29:08 (UTC+1)
Name: Supra Garage
Sehr sehr schöne Projekte Daumen Hoch.
Weiter so :-)
Me: Danke!
...ich mach' ja schon weiter...
Seite: download_ge.htm
Datum: 2016.06.10 18:59:08 (UTC+1)
Name: Christian
Hallo Norbert,
Eine Frage...
Mit welchem Programm erstellst du deine Schaltpläne?
Würde mich wirklich sehr interressieren.
Me: Das mache ich recht umständlich mit LibreOffice Draw. Ich habe einfach noch keine Zeit gefunden, mich in spezielle Programme zum Erstellen von Schaltungen einzuarbeiten (und momentan auch keine Lust dazu). Ich kann dir also keine brauchbaren Tipps diesbezüglich geben.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.06.09 03:05:25 (UTC+1)
Name: Maurice Taudevin
Hello Norbert,
Errami has said (translated) as follows from French.
"I have downloaded CNC version 2.1. Little confused. I will start buying the things that are needed (language problem) I will let you know (how I go)."
Hope that helps Norbert
Me: Yes, that helps. So there is no question to answer Errami.
Thanks for the translation!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.04.29 at 19:56:06 (UTC+1)
Name: Errami Farid
Je viens de telecharger la cnc v2&v2.1. Ceci m ' a séduit. Je commencerais prochainement et si
j arrive a entirer quelqdue chose (probleme de langue) je vous enverrais un mot.
A plus.
Me: Sorry, but the translation from Google doesn't make any sense to me...
Seite: download_ge.htm
Datum: 2016.04.01 um 01:37:44 (UTC+1)
Name: Oliver Annen
Erstmal vielen Dank für die vielen tollen Projekte und Tipps
Super Seite :-)
Ich beschäftige mich seit paar Wochen mit dem Arduino und hab schon ein paar Schaltungen gebaut...
Nun möchte ich ein Digital Servo aus einem Encoder und DC Getriebemotor bauen
Den Drehwinkel möchte ich über Tastatur, später über eine seperate Handbox eingeben können
Der Winkel muss aber an jeder Postion genullt werden können...
Hätten Sie einen Tipp für mich bzg. des Aufbaus und Sketch ?
Viele Grüße
Me: Die Programme zur Ansteuerung meiner digitalen Servos gibt's als Download:
Da gibt's auch das Kommandozeilen-Programm "commands-host.c", mit dem du Befehle über die Tastatur und USB senden kannst. Lesen, verstehen, abändern...
...aber nicht deine Projekte zu meinen machen ;-)
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.26 at 15:35:53 (UTC+1)
Name: Graeme
Hi there, I really like your work. The practical uses of these boards is really quite impressive. I'm kind of a virgin on the coding side but the mechanical & electrical side I will have no problems. So maybe a suggestion on the first time setup of coding would be a great help in a video on that CNC machine. The how to's and different variations & complexities.
Kind regards, Graeme.
Me: There is a quick instruction on how to set up the software in the download packages.
I will create some more chapters about "Physical Computing", showing how to use an Arduino or Raspberry Pi to move the world. When? Well, hopefully in the not so far future...
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.16 at 09:22:35 (UTC+1)
Name: Joseph
I am building a servo using dc window motors. Your video on the subject is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
Me: You're welcome!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.15 at 10:03:10 (UTC+1)
Name: Amila
Hi! I Amila from Sri Lanka. thank you very much for sharing these kind knowledge.
Best Regards,
Me: You're welcome!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.06 at 21:12:43 (UTC+1)
Name: Seref
Thank you, very good and useful informations... Excellent...
Me: You're welcome!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.01 at 01:32:46 (UTC+1)
Name: Mugi Joe
Great helpfull website content.
Big thanks for the master..
What if we make project , make wind generator, i think some of people around the world, still life without electricity ..
Me: Yes, harvesting regenerative energy will be a subject of my project in the future. Be patient!
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.03.01 at 01:05:27 (UTC+1)
Name: Jerry
Very impressive and informative videos. I subscribed after seeing the first one.
I'm intrigued with your homemade Encoder, very interesting seeing how it works.
Thank you for all the time you've put into this site and your Youtube channel.
Me: You're welcome! And: Tell your friends about my project, they might like it, too.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.02.16 at 15:13:57 (UTC+1)
Name: Sandy Johnston
Hello there. I just discovered one of you videos and am impressed with 1/ what you are doing and 2/ that I was able to understand what was being said. I have just started with Arduino and find your teaching at my level. Thanks for the info and long may you continue.
I will bookmark your page and follow on youtube.
Me: ..last thing to be done: Share my projects with your friends.
Seite: download_ge.htm
Datum: 2016.02.13 um 23:34:23 (UTC+1)
Name: Abdi Evren
Hallo, haben sie baufertig klein Cnc zum kaufen?
Me: Ich verkaufe meine Maschinen nicht.
Page: download_en.htm
Date: 2016.02.09 at 00:41:44 (UTC+1)
Name: Coskun
Thank you very much my friend
Best regards
Me: You're welcome!
Seite: download_ge.htm
Datum: 2016.02.07 um 11:59:20 (UTC+1)
Name: peter brockob
0162xxxxxxx peterpoloschruber ruf mal an 9-21
Me: Nö!