Leave a comment:
Dear Spammers and Trolls: All comments are checked by myself before publishing!
The manual inspection is why it takes some time until your text appears in the comment section (as long as it passes my inspection) - be patient...

I don't answer comments by mail!
Note the rules and my mail address in the column contact!




Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2023.09.29 23:34:20 (UTC+1)
Name: Bob Read

Hey Norbert!
The amount of time that you spend creating these wonderful and amazing articles and experiments boggles my mind! Please keep it up and if you are interested in some help, please let me know.
Would you be interested in creating a gravity battery? Let me if that would be of interest.

Me: Thanks, Bob!
I have a wind turbine that is waiting to get connected to a storage solution, but gravity battery isn't what I have thought of, yet. Do you have one such battery in operation?


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2021.12.05 09:30:40 (UTC+1)
Name: Jae

Dear Norbert sir,

Thank you for sharing your excellent work!
I'm interested in direct granule SUGAR printing - food printing may be a great business opportunity.

I was wondering you fininshed printing a sugar shape and nozzle cools down.  After that, if you want to print sugar again, just warming up nozzle makes the sugar to melt and 3d printing done with no problem?  Do sugar requires frequent nozzle change?

Thank you in advance.

Me: Well, if you have watched the videos and read the text in the chapter on my direct extruder V3 you will have seen that this is a hand made prototype and I did sugar printing just to see if it works at all. You can't expect to get serious answers on using this prototype for running a business. During the couple of test runs, heating up the extruder again with the sugar from the previous run still in the hopper worked in general. Keep in mind it is no food grade setup. I am working on a 3D printer using syringes. That might be easier to use for your purpose. Be patient!


Seite: technics_ge.htm
Datum: 2021.09.19 14:11:27 (UTC+1)
Name: Friedrich

Klasse Seite und sehr ausführlich erklärte und hilfreiche Videos . Danke.


Me: Und ich danke herzlichst für die Spende!


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2021.03.08 07:27:55 (UTC+1)
Name: arif hasan pranto

thanks sir ....your videos are better than our academic book. lean many new things from you.. you are really kind. wish your good luck.

Me: Thanks! Great to see I could help!


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2018.10.08 15:52:46 (UTC+1)
Name: Alfonso

I agree with other users, you are a genius. I'm learning a lot of things, thank you!
Now I have a tons of new ideas for my experimental projects.
Again, thank you!

Me: You're welcome!


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2018.03.18 18:26:45 (UTC+1)
Name: May

Your are a genius, i am learning a lot from your video tutorials.

Me: You're welcome and share my projects with your friends!


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2018.01.26 09:58:59 (UTC+1)
Name: Zain Shahid

Extremely cool website. I'm someone who loves working with arduinos and am getting more and more into robotics. Your documentation and videos make the projects very easy to follow and understand. I may try to build your cnc machine!
Well done on the projects and I look forward to seeing your next one!

Me: ...and I am looking forward to see your CNC, soon. I have build more than just one with CNC v3.2 being my latest, so you can chose from a varriety of machines.


Seite: technics_ge.htm
Datum: 2017.03.05 17:46:23 (UTC+1)
Name: Christian

Würde eine Festplatte zerstört wenn man diese öffnet?

Me: Wenn man diese nicht gerade mit einer Säge aufschneidet oder einer Zange aufbiegt und dabei keinen Staub aufwirbelt, nicht unbedingt. Zu empfehlen ist das aber nicht, denn wirklich weiterbenutzen würde ich diese Festplatte anschließend nicht mehr (höchstens zum letzten Daten auslesen). Es sollte aber wirklich der allerletzte Versuch sein, an Daten heranzukommen. Wer sich nicht auskennt macht auf jeden Fall mehr kaputt als gut...


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2016.12.13 08:14:27 (UTC+1)
Name: sateesh kumar

Hi Sir,
I just saw your video in Youtube explaining different microcontroller projects. It is awesome. You took time to explain everything clearly. Thanks for the video.

Me: You're welcome!


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2016.09.20 08:54:37 (UTC+1)
Name: Pk. D

Your new layout is excellent (and mobile/tablet friendly), but it just made this Contents page obsolete. Do you plan on keeping it for purely historical reasons, or will you remove it?

Me: Thanks for your feedback! I will keep that page, but probably put additional information about the chapters on it. I will do an overhaul when redesigning the subjectindex and programming search algorithms.


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2016.02.22 at 07:27:30 (UTC+1)
Name: pat

i just started reading 30 mins ago and i really enjoy your way of providing content. great stuff!

Me: Thanks!


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2016.01.09 at 17:56:54 (UTC+1)
Name: @ArduinoGuy


Greetings from a US admirer of DIY experts like yourself.  Your site is a real treasure on the Internet.  Thank you for taking so much time to publish this excellent information.  Your videos are extremely detailed and easy to follow.  I'm pretty selective on who I follow on Twitter but have added you this morning to my follow list.  Keep up the good work, and we always hope that "You'll be back"!  :-)


Me: Thanks for all the good words and for becomming a new follower.


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2015.12.15 at 19:35:49 (UTC+1)
Name: Zdenek Spacek

I love your web! It is amazing how many great information you have here.
I don’t need a text book any more!
I also love your CNC machine build from the square pipe.
Thank you  

Me: You're welcome! You don't need a paper book any longer but maybe a notebook ;)


Seite: technics_ge.htm
Datum: 2015.12.04 um 08:32:16 (UTC+1)
Name: Thomas

Hallo Norbert,

bin auf der Suche nach allem Wissenswerten und den möglichen Anwendungen zu RaspberryPi  auf die Seite homofaciens.de gestossen und bin überwältigt von dem umfangreichen Wissen und Möglichkeiten was hier vermittelt wird.
Ich denke diese Seite sucht seines gleichen im Netz.
Wirklich hervorragende Arbeit, möchte nicht wissen wie viel Zeit und Mühe das gekostet hat. Vielen dank dafür.
Bei mir hat das eine große Motivation ausgelöst selbst etwas zu basteln.

Aber womit anfangen?

Me: Egal womit du anfängst, Hauptsache du bleibst am Ball! Jedes noch so kleine Projekt birgt Fallstricke und die musst du entwirren, um zu lernen und um mit dem so erlangten Wissen weitere Projekte verwirklichen zu können.


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2015.12.04 at 06:09:34 (UTC+1)
Name: Luis Bernardo Ríos

I hope to learn a lot from this page. Thank you very much!.

Me: You're welcome! Learning is hard work, but it will make your life easier.


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2015.11.22 at 01:53:50 (UTC+1)
Name: Dayal

Excellent Site ! Great Work.

Me: Thanks!


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2015.08.13 at 13:49:54 (UTC+1)
Name: Pk. D

Electrolysis is spelled as 'Electrolysis', not 'Elektrolysis' in English.
I believe 'Elektrolysis' is how it is spelled in German.
And PTE table spelling is wrong and Air Resistance is two words....
These are about all the spelling mistakes on this page.

Me: I have fixed that - thanks! 'Elektrolyse' is the German spelling and 'table' is 'Tabelle'. My brain sometimes mixes the characters...


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2015.07.25 at 09:47:47 (UTC+1)
Name: Pk. D

What does Leistungsbilanzen mean?

Me: Balance of power. I have fixed that - thanks!


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2015.06.22 at 19:31:43 (UTC+1)
Name: Andy Newton

Hi Nobert, The cnc mk 2 is ingenius quite remarkable.I'm not very experienced with electrics and electronics so please bear with me. The sensor disc at 7cm diameter are the cut outs ! cm deep? What power supply did you use? From what I can see the Gcode is generated using 'C' that is all I know about 'C' it's a computer program. And last what software did you use to generate and produce the gears?


Me: The sensor discs are cut from 0.8mm iron sheets with metal shears. The power supply I am using is an old computer power supply. The 5V line powers the Arduino and the photo sensors, the 12V line the geared DC motors. There is no G-code generated. It's the C program that reads svg files and tells the Arduino directly to do a step of what motor in what direction. That software also computes the gears. All you have to do is answer the questions about tooth diameter, number of teeth, diameter of the drill bit and the diameter of the center hole.


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2015.04.28 at 20:16:00 (UTC+1)
Name: Neville Andrade

Hello Nobert,

I live in Berlin and wanted to purchase a mini CNC Milling and Lathe machine within a 1000 Euro range.

Would you be able to give some guidance please?


Me: Sorry, but the only CNC machines I had a hand on where those I have built by myself.


Seite: technics_ge.htm
Datum: 2015.04.12 um 20:03:09 (UTC+1)
Name: Student

Könntest du auch etwas zur Python
Programmierung für die Robotik schreiben.
Du erklärst dinge besser als jeder Lehrer oder jedes Buch.

Me: Danke für die Blumen, aber bislang habe ich keine einzige Codezeile in Python geschrieben, daher wird's in absehbarer Zeit kein Kapitel zu diesem Thema auf meinen Seiten geben - sorry!
Mit einem Raspberry Pi (PI = Python Interpreter) solltest du aber recht schnell zu erfolgen kommen. Zu diesem Computer gibt's reichlich Dokumentationen in dieser Programmiersprache und das Forum der Foundation dürfte dir ebenfalls weiterhelfen.


Page: technics_en.htm
Date: 2014.11.22 at 17:55:20 (UTC+1)
Name: Pk .D

Thanks for your effort-very good website!
I was not understanding anything about pulse-width modulation and servos till I saw your website.
Can you please make a page (and video if possible ) on Microcontrollers (specifically ATMEGA 8)
Thanks again.

Me: You have noticed the page about the Arduino Uno (which is an Atmega 328)? I started coding microcontrollers with the Atmega 8, but since the Arduino is much easier to program (especially for beginners) there won't be chapters about the Atmega 8 in the near future, but I never say never, since it is a cheap but great device.


Seite: technics_ge.htm
Datum: 2014.09.18 um 11:23:29 (UTC+1)
Name: Reinhard Fischer


Wirklich sehr informative Seite mit gut Verständlichen Erklärungen.

PS Frage 15 ist nach meinem Hausverstand falsch beantwortet. Erstens ist relative Abweichung +-1% und nicht +- 2%. Auch tritt der größte Fehler bei +1% +2digits (bzw -1% -2digits) auf. 1% ist 4kOhm, 2digits sind 2kOhm. Daher ist der Bereich 394 - 406 kOhm.

Me: ...das kommt davon, wenn man seine eigenen Fragen falsch interpretiert...
Du hast vollkommen recht und ich habe die Quizfrage überarbeitet - vielen Dank für den Hinweis!