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Page: technics-electrical-engineering-magnetism_en.htm
Date: 2020.12.23 18:05:29 (UTC+1)
Name: Alexander Chen

You: Equations are proved by experimentation and experimentation is what is done before trying to put it into maths.
I: Yeah, but WHY is it like this? Just....WHY? I just don't get WHY it is like this.

Me: There is still a lot to be discovered - we are working on better explanations day by day...


Page: technics-electrical-engineering-magnetism_en.htm
Date: 2020.12.21 21:17:35 (UTC+1)
Name: Alexander Chen

Where is the proof of all these equations? Like, how do you know that equation [3.16] must be like that? I can't fathom any of this.
Oh yes, I forgot to ask: why does the magnetic field of an electron have to look like a bunch of concentric circles around that wire, and not a bunch of lines pointing towards that charge?
I don't get it.

Me: Eguations are proved by experimentation and experimentation is what is done before trying to put it into maths. Hans Christian Oersted is said to have discovered the field lines of moving charges, first: