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<<< xxx         (To be continued...) >>>

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Java application drive simulator

Data base

Some base data is needed to be able to calculate the properties of an electric vehicle. Drag coefficient, frontal area, rolling resistance, total weight, curb weight (without combustion engine + gearbox, but including the weight of the electric motor) and wheel diameter are defined by the used car. It depends on you, how many batteries to install. Lead-acid batteries feature an energy density of just 6Wh/kg based on the worst case, lithium cells are clearly better (approximately 70Wh/kg).
Remember to calculate some weight for driver and passengers (approximately 80-100kg for each person)!
Important is the efficiency of the electric motor which is dependent from the revolution speed. 12 input values are prompted. You can enter the track as soon as all these values are given.
The value for the input power fixes the maximum amount of electric power available.. Depending on the efficiency, the power pending on the driving wheels is significantly lower!
Not included (yet) is the power needed for radio, headlight, heating et cetera. Just sing your own songs, take a pollover and use a pocket lamp at night...

Creating own tracks:

A track consists of up to 100 sections. The section numbers () are followed by an equal sign. At the right of the equal sign the length of the section is given. Values from 1 to 10000m are accepted. The length specification is separated from the grade specification by a slash. Values from -20 to 20 are accepted here. Every section has to be terminated by a semicolon (;)! The track is scanned till the first section with a length 0m is reached. A height difference is adjusted by inserting a section with a gradient of +20% or -20% and the according length. Nobody can drive downhill for his whole live...
There is no possibility to save the track! Whenever you leave the Java-application, the data is lost. The only way to save the data is to transfer it into a text editor by using "copy & paste". Some examples for tracks:

Flat road 10km long:
(1) = 10000 / 0;

Mountain and hill with 15% incline / decline:
(1) = 100 / 0;
(2) = 2000 / 15;
(3) = 10 / 0;
(4) = 2000 / -15;
(5) = 100 / 0;
(6) = 300 / 15;
(7) = 10 / 0;
(8) = 300 / -15;
(9) = 100 / 0;

Mogul slope:
(1) = 100 / 0;
(2) = 10 / 5;
(3) = 10 / 10;
(4) = 10 / 15;
(5) = 10 / 10;
(6) = 10 / 5;
(7) = 10 / 0;
(8) = 10 / -5;
(9) = 10 / -10;
(10) = 10 / -15;
(11) = 10 / -10;
(12) = 10 / -5;
(13) = 100 / 0;

Play around with the values and try to find out, how much energy is needed to drive a certain distance profile with different speed, different engine power et cetera.
Use the standard values and try to find out, how far you can get while driving with full throttle, or while trying to keep an average speed of 60km/h or keep up with the dove or stop after a distance of one kilometer or stop whenever you overtake the dove et cetera et cetera...

<<< xxx         (To be continued...) >>>

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