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SR1 control center on planet earth


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The aim of the Google Lunar X-Prize is as follows:
A total of $30 million in prizes are available to the first privately funded teams to safely land a robot on the surface of the Moon, have that robot travel 500 meters over the lunar surface, and send video, images and data back to the Earth.
I can't offer $30 million bucks, so I have launched the Cent-Prize. The aim of it is as follows:
A total of 1 Eurocent is available to those rover operator who locates a one cent coin first inside of the RoboSpatium (multiple 1 Eurocent coins are hidden inside of the robot space). To document the discovery, the operator has to push the "Cent-Prize" button. Now the current rover picture is stored at the server and a winner code is displayed inside a messagebox. Finally you have to note those code and send me a mail containing those characters and digits. If you are the first operator who sent the mail, and the coin can be detected at the picture, you are the winner!
At the link below, you can see, which coins were already located by other operators:
Click here to see the list of the last 40 Cent-Prize pictures.
Click here so see the list of all winners.

Click here to see the list of the last 40 snapshots.

User statistics:

The rover doesn't operate like expected?

The programs used to communicate between rover and Internet server are permanently observed. If a malfunction is detected, single programs or the whole operating system is restarted. After at least 10 minutes, the whole system should be restored. If not, send me a mail. You can find my mail address at the column Imprint - thanks!

Logo der IRDA
Interplanetary Rover Driver Association

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